عزنان حسن

الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية

Aznan Hasan

البريد الإلكتروني

أنقر هنالمشاهدة هذا المحتوى

الدرجة الأكاديمية


المناصب والخبرات وأماكن العمل

  • Chairman of the Shariah Committee of Maybank Islamic
  • President of the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS)
  • Deputy Chairman of Shariah Advisory Council of the Securities Commission
  • Former member of the Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia
  • Chairman of the Shariah Advisory Board, Barclays Capital - Dubai International Financial Centre (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
  • Member of the National International Zakat Organisation (“IZO”) Coordination Committee, an advisory body established under the Prime Minister’s Department
  • Member of the Board FNB Bank, Yasaar Limited, Khalij Islami
  • Member of the Board European International Islamic Bank (EIIB), Amanahraya Berhad
  • Member of the Board Amanah Raya Investment Bank Labuan
  • Shariah consultant to Maybank Investment Bank
  • Shariah Advisor for the Islamic Unit Trust Schemes and Islamic securities (Sukuk), Securities Commission of Malaysia
  • Associate Professor in Islamic law and the former head of Islamic Law Department Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws - International Islamic University Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • Member of the Shariah Advisory Board, ABSA Islamic Bank (South Africa)
  • عرض المزيد

عزنان حسن