Evaluation of genetic differences on immunological response in two native chicken strains fed on different natural and organic acid supplementation
العناوين الأخرى
تقييم الاختلافات الوراثية على الاستجابة المناعية في سلالتين من الدجاج المحلي غذيت على مختلف المكملات الغذائية الطبيعية و حمض عضوي
المؤلفون المشاركون
Abd Allah, Ihab Ahmad
Uthman, Iman Sayyid
al-Attar, Ahmad Hatim
al-Sayyid, Ahmad Jalal
Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences
المجلد 26، العدد 2 C (31 ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2018)، ص ص. 1859-1867، 9ص.
تاريخ النشر
دولة النشر
عدد الصفحات
التخصصات الرئيسية
الملخص EN
The main objective of this study was to investi-gate the effect of the genetic differences in immu-nological response by use the natural growth pro-moters in diets offered to local chicken strains (GoldenMontazah (GM) and Bandra (B)).
The pre-sent study was carried out in Seds Poultry Breed-ing Research Station, Animal Production Research Institute, Banysweif Governorate, through August to January (2016).
A total of 240 chicks (120 hens of each strain) were used from 16 to 40 weeks of age.
Birds were randomly distributed into six treatments.
Each treatment had 20 (female) chicks (20X 6X 2) that were individually caged.
The first treatment of each strain served as a control group and fed the formulated basal diet without any test-ed feed additives.
The second treatment fed the basal diet with BioPlus® 2B, (400gm/ton) a com-mercial probiotic preparation (pro.
The third treatment hens were fed the same basal diet with the addition of TechnoMos® (500gm/ton) a prebi-otic type (pre.
(Tech)).The fourth treatment fed the basal diet with Diamond V®(2.5kg/ton) a commer-cial prebiotic produced (pre.
The fifth treat-ment fed the basal diet with FORMI® NDF (2kg/ton) (organic acid (FORMI)).
The sixth treat-ment fed the basal diet with combination of (Bio-Plus® 2B, (400gm/ton) + TechnoMos® (500gm/ton) + FORMI® NDF (1kg/ton)) (combination (BTF)).
Data showed that, the Heterophils/Lymphocyte ratio percentage value was significantly higher in Golden Montaza than Bandara.
The highest value was found for organic acids (FORMI) group and the lowest value was found for probiotic (Bio Plus) group.
As for the antibody titer before vaccination the highest values were found for pre (Tech) group in comparison to pre (Dia) group.
And there were no significant differences between the control group and all treated groups.
Also, the higher values of antibody titer against Newcastle vaccine after vac-cination were found in pre (Tech.), org ((FORMI), combination (Bio, Tech and FORMI) and control groups compare to values were found in pre (Dia) and pro (Bio) groups.
As for the differences titer between before and after vaccination against Newcastle disease virus, there were no significant differences.
نمط استشهاد جمعية علماء النفس الأمريكية (APA)
Uthman, Iman Sayyid& Abd Allah, Ihab Ahmad& al-Sayyid, Ahmad Jalal& al-Attar, Ahmad Hatim. 2018. Evaluation of genetic differences on immunological response in two native chicken strains fed on different natural and organic acid supplementation. Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences،Vol. 26, no. 2 C, pp.1859-1867.
نمط استشهاد الجمعية الأمريكية للغات الحديثة (MLA)
Uthman, Iman Sayyid…[et al.]. Evaluation of genetic differences on immunological response in two native chicken strains fed on different natural and organic acid supplementation. Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 26, no. 2 C (2018), pp.1859-1867.
نمط استشهاد الجمعية الطبية الأمريكية (AMA)
Uthman, Iman Sayyid& Abd Allah, Ihab Ahmad& al-Sayyid, Ahmad Jalal& al-Attar, Ahmad Hatim. Evaluation of genetic differences on immunological response in two native chicken strains fed on different natural and organic acid supplementation. Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2018. Vol. 26, no. 2 C, pp.1859-1867.
نوع البيانات
لغة النص
رقم السجل
قاعدة معامل التأثير والاستشهادات المرجعية العربي "ارسيف Arcif"
أضخم قاعدة بيانات عربية للاستشهادات المرجعية للمجلات العلمية المحكمة الصادرة في العالم العربي
تقوم هذه الخدمة بالتحقق من التشابه أو الانتحال في الأبحاث والمقالات العلمية والأطروحات الجامعية والكتب والأبحاث باللغة العربية، وتحديد درجة التشابه أو أصالة الأعمال البحثية وحماية ملكيتها الفكرية. تعرف اكثر