Basel III and IFSB regulations for Islamic financial institutions

Instruction Language



United Arab Emirates

English Abstract

The Basel banking regulations meet a critical need.

They establish minimum standards of risk management by which banks should govern themselves in order to avert liquidity and solvency crises and continue as going concerns.

They also seek to ensure that the financial system as a whole functions without severe disruption.

However, the Basel standards have evolved considerably since first being issued in the late 1980s.

They now cater to a large number of complex financial institutions and instruments, as well to a global financial economy which is diverse and highly interconnected.

As Basel standards have developed to try to keep track of changes in the financial sector, they have become voluminous and technically challenging to understand.

The standards are also largely silent on matters of implementation.

For the Islamic finance industry, the Basel standards must be interpreted and applied in the context of Islamic banks and their operating models.

Whilst there are some similarities between conventional institutions for which the Basel standards have been written, and Islamic banks, a significant number of profound differences exist.

The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) has therefore issued its own standards for the capital adequacy and sound risk management of Islamic financial institutions in order to bridge this gap.

With Basel III and related IFSB implementation deadlines looming, Islamic banking practitioners are under significant pressure to comply with these standards and meet the requirements of their local regulators.

One of the biggest challenges in this process is knowing and understanding the standards themselves.


- 1. Know and understand Basel I, II and III as they relate to Islamic banks. 2. Know and understand IFSB standards for Islamic banks. 3. Practical insights into implementation of the standards.

Field work

1. Board members with risk responsibilities. 2. Chief risk officers, risk managers, risk analysts. 3. Compliance, legal and IT finance and risk management support personnel. 4. Central bank staff and supervisors. 5. Rating agency analysts.

Features of the course

-This course provides a unique opportunity to know and to understand Basel I, II, and III, as well as IFSB regulations in detail. The course provides an indispensable resource for Islamic bankers as well as the supervisors and regulators of Islamic banks, who need expert knowledge of Islamic banking regulation. The course will also include a high level of interactive discussion, practical insights, and thorough instruction in banking regulations as they apply to Islamic banks, which can be used in practice to meet regulatory governance and reporting requirements.

Certificate / Course Program

Day 1: Basel and IFSB Overview. -ntroduction. -Overview of the Basel Accords. -Overview of the IFSB Standards. Day 2: IFSB Standards. -IFSB Standards on Capital Adequacy. -IFSB Standards on Risk Management. -IFSB Standards on Regulation and Supervision. Day 3: IFSB Standards and Implementation. -IFSB Standards on Governance. -IFSB implementation Deadlines. -Overcoming Implementation Issues and Challenges. -Expected Revisions and Additional IFSB Regulations in the Future.

No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Business Administration
Financial and Accounting Sciences
Islamic Studies


Data Type

Training Courses

Record ID
