المقاربة الاشتقاقية في معالجة المداخل القاموسية و أثرها في بنية النص القاموسي


ابن مراد، إبراهيم




Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique pour le Développement de la Langue Arabe

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Arabic language and Literature

English Abstract

Ihe derivational approach is -with the diachronic and synchronic approaches- one of the approaches used in modem lexicography in the making of dictionaries and in the treatment of lexical entries.

However, it has ancient origins in the Arabic lexicographical tradition as it was -and still is- followed in Arabic dictionaries adopting the system of the root or simple hasis (simple lexical unit without affixes) in the classification of dictionary entries.

Indeed, there arc two systems in one main entry (a root or a single basis) followed by a scries of secondary entries that are mostly nominal, dcvcrbative, or adjectival derived.

In modern lexicography -especially European-, the derived themselves are the main entries, and the definition of each entry is composed of several elements (nine to thirteen) which together form the structure of the dictionary entry.

But, when wc apply the dcrivatiunal approach, as is the case in Larousse de In langue fran^aise Lexis (1979), the structure of the dictionary entry bccomcs complex beta use we arc in presence of multiple inputs: one primary and a series of secondary entries that are its derived and each of these entries is accompanied by the elements that constitute the specific definition of the principle entry as well as a section for its derived.

But this richness found in Western lexicography Is absent from the classical and modern Arabic lexicography.

In fact, there is only one dement that is repeated in each definition and each entry: the explanation of meaning, which, however, could be accompanied -but in limited cases* with details of grammatical information and quotations or examples.

Issues related to the application of this approach in Arabic lexicography and Western lexicography are the subject of our study.

French Abstract

L'approchc dcrivationndle est -avec Ics approchcs diachroniquc ct synchroniquc- i'unc des approchcs appliqulcs, cn lexicographic modcrnc.

dans la confcction des dictionnaire'.

ct dam lc traitcmcnt des entrees Icxicalcs.

Cepcndant, die a des origines tres ancienncs dans la tradition lexicographiquc arabc puisqu’cllc etait -ct ellc est encore- suivic dans Ics dictionnaires arabes adopranr le systime dc la racinc ou de la bate simple (1‘unite lexicale simple non affixec) dans le classcmcnt des entrees du dictionnaire.

En effct, on trouvc dans Ics deux systimcs une entree principale (unc racine on une base simple) suivic d une serie d'enrrces secondaircs qui sont surtout des derives nominaux, deverbatifs ou adjectivaux.

En lexicographic modcrne -curop<5cnnc cn particulicr- cc sont les derives cux-m£mes qui constituent Ics entrees prindpaJev ct b definition dc chaquc entree est compose* de plusicurs elements (dc ncul & treize) qui constituent ensemble la structure de 1’article du dictionnaire.

Mais quand on apphquc l’approchc dcrivationndle, comme c'cst lc cas dans le Larousse de la langue tran^aise Lexis (1979).

la structure de Particle du dictionnaire devient complexc parcc qu’on est cn pr&cnce de plusieurs entrees : une principale et une serie d’cntr&rs secondaires qui sont scs derives, ct chacune de ccs entrees est accompagnee des dements qui constituenr aussi bien sa definition particulicre que 1‘article qui lui esc propre.

Mais cette rkhessc que nous offrc la lexicographic occidental cst abscntc dc la lexicographic arabc.

classiquc et modernc.

En fait, il n'y a qu’tin scul element qui sc repctc dans chaquc definition et avec chaquc entree: l'cxplication du sens.



pourrait etre accompagnee -mais dans des cas bien limites- d’informations d’ordre grammatical et de citations ou d'cxcmples.

Les questions relatives a l'application de ccttc approchc en lexicographic arabc et cn lexicographic occidental font I'objet dc notre communication.

Data Type

Conference Papers

Record ID


American Psychological Association (APA)

ابن مراد، إبراهيم. 2014-12-31. المقاربة الاشتقاقية في معالجة المداخل القاموسية و أثرها في بنية النص القاموسي. الملتقى العلمي الدولي للقاموسية حول بنية النص القاموسي (8 : 2011 : بوزريعة، الجزائر). . ع. 19-20 (عدد خاص) (2013 / 2014)، ص ص. 31-53.بوزريعة، الجزائر : مركز البحث العلمي و التقني لتطوير اللغة العربية،.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

ابن مراد، إبراهيم. المقاربة الاشتقاقية في معالجة المداخل القاموسية و أثرها في بنية النص القاموسي. . بوزريعة، الجزائر : مركز البحث العلمي و التقني لتطوير اللغة العربية،. 2014-12-31.

American Medical Association (AMA)

ابن مراد، إبراهيم. المقاربة الاشتقاقية في معالجة المداخل القاموسية و أثرها في بنية النص القاموسي. . الملتقى العلمي الدولي للقاموسية حول بنية النص القاموسي (8 : 2011 : بوزريعة، الجزائر).