السيميائية بين التنظير الغربي و الجذور العربية


الزرفي، سهام حسن خضر


مجلة كلية التربية


Wasit University Educational College

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Languages & Comparative Literature


English Abstract

Semiotics seeks to consider the interest in literary discourse in the sense that it is a unit of speech intended for specific deliberative and communication purposes imposed by a number of processes arising from the interaction between the levels of language through which the linguistic functions are associated with the effectiveness of the discourse and this is what we understood from the semiotic interpretation of the literary discourse that came at the hands of a number of Western theorists such as Burris, Morris, Saussure, and others who worked on semiotics, the science of signs, and the question posed by the research that Arab semiotics had preceded what we mentioned from the theorists, since Arab scholars who tried through different eras have tried to find the theory of discourse analysis except In me and the science of signs, and by returning to the term (semiotics) we find that it has roots in the sacred and literary Arab heritage, but the science of linguistics and linguistics in general has been received by Arfrom the West with complete readiness and what was not from Arab critics except to seize the theory and apply it without scrutiny or scrutiny or its approach to the Arab heritage The research here raises the idea that semiotics and linguistics are essentially one of the Arab innovations that did not appear clearly through an analysis of the literary discourse, because of the deterioration and backwardness of the Arin all fields, including literary theories, due to the deterioration of political conditions, which reflected negatively on the overall Arab thinking and longing When the idea of (waiting for the western innovator) is a theory or method and applying it to the creative literary product of the Ar, whether it is compatible or not with the spirit of the creative Arab texts from here, the research is concerned with the historical rooting of the emergence of semiotics and the efforts of Western scholars in crystallizing its curricula and the Arab critics gather this theory as it Among the theories that can analyze the literary discourse as an operative that carries a certain message that it intends to deliver to the recipient, and accordingly, the historical research of the emergence of Western semiotics, the creation of an objective approach and an in-depth research into the roots of semiotics in the Arab theories that preceded the theories of Western scholars, In addition to that, the research will focus on setting a base for in-depth scientific research on the role of Arin the first construction of semiotics and a clear delay in its output as an integrated critical theory that seeks to analyze discourse and interest in preserving the structure and character of the Arabic text and the extent to which the semiotic approach corresponds to the analysis of the Arab creative body.

Research questions: The research is interested in raising the following questions: - 1Do Arhave efforts to build semiotic theory? How did the theorists infer the West to find a relationship between discourse as a structure and discourse as a context through deliberative semiotics that are concerned with the interpretation of that discourse? - 2How did Arab critics capture semiotics and what did semiotics offer as a contribution to analyzing the Arab literary text?

Data Type

Conference Papers

Record ID


American Psychological Association (APA)

الزرفي، سهام حسن خضر. 2020-02-29. السيميائية بين التنظير الغربي و الجذور العربية. . ع. 38، ج. 2 (عدد خاص) (شباط 2020)، ص ص. 247-268.واسط، العراق : جامعة واسط، كلية التربية،.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

الزرفي، سهام حسن خضر. السيميائية بين التنظير الغربي و الجذور العربية. . واسط، العراق : جامعة واسط، كلية التربية،. 2020-02-29.

American Medical Association (AMA)

الزرفي، سهام حسن خضر. السيميائية بين التنظير الغربي و الجذور العربية. .