أشكال المخالفات التي يرتكبها العاملون في الجامعات الأردنية الحكومية (إقليم الجنوب)‎ و درجة عدالة العقوبات التأديبية من وجهة نظرهم

Other Title(s)

The types of violations committed by public Jordanian universities employees in the southern region and the fairness of disciplinary actions from their point of view


الكساسبة، سكينة أحمد حسن

Thesis advisor

الخليفات، عبد الفتاح صالح موسى


Mutah University


Faculty of Educational Sciences


Department of Educational Foundation and Administration (EFA)

University Country




Degree Date


English Abstract

The study aimed to investigate the forms of violations and the bachelor degree in the University of Jordan and funding their studies at the university.

The study population consisted of( 4078 ) employees after choosing 10% using stratified factions, a visa of 400 employees in both sexes at government public universities ( Jamea Mu'tah, Tafila Technical University and Al Hussein Bin Talal University ).

The study found the following results: ( The southern region ), the ranking of the fields on the basis of the following: Violations related to the exploitation of the property of the public office and damage to the first place, and secondly violations related to dealing with recipients of service, and ranked third violation And the fifth rank is the violations related to compliance with the instructions, regulations and laws.

And told the disenfranchisement by a motorist who kidnapped him, and he is your destiny ( 10 years experience ) ( no more than 10 years ) for dealing with recipients, there is no article on your job.

The statistics of the Arabic language, from the point of view of the employees of LaDalah has more than 10 years of experience, and there were statistically significant differences from the point of view of the employees of the justice of penalties due to the variable of the workplace.

In light of the results, the study recommended several recommendations: •Training employees on ethics of the profession •Research pressure on the extent of knowledge and knowledge of administrative officials •the causes of violations committed by ( males ) in Jordanian universities ( Mu'tah University, Tafila Technical University and Al Hussein Bin Talal University ).

•Training the employees who hold the average diploma degree in Jordanian universities ( Mu'tah University, Tafila Technical University and Al Hussein Bin Talal University ) to abide by instructions and regulations.

•A study on the disciplinary penalties for bachelor's degree holders in Jordanian universities ( Mu'tah University, Tafila Technical University, and Al-Hussein Bin Talal University ) •Training employees who have had years of experience in more than 10 years in Jordanian universities ( Mu'tah University, Tafila Technical University and Al Hussein Bin Talal University ) to resort to compliance with instructions and regulations.

•Consider disciplinary penalties for workers in recent years ( 5-10 years ) at Jordanian universities ( Mu'tah University, Tafila Technical University, and Al-Hussein Bin Talal University ) •Research on the forms of irregularities taught in public / official universities and private universities.

Main Subjects

Educational Sciences

No. of Pages


Table of Contents

فهرس المحتويات / الموضوعات.

الملخص / المستخلص.

المستخلص باللغة الإنجليزية.

الفصل الأول : خلفية الدراسة و أهميتها.

الفصل الثاني : الإطار النظري و الدراسات السابقة.

الفصل الثالث : المنهجية و التصميم.

الفصل الرابع : عرض النتائج و مناقشتها و التوصيات.

قائمة المراجع.

American Psychological Association (APA)

الكساسبة، سكينة أحمد حسن. (2019). أشكال المخالفات التي يرتكبها العاملون في الجامعات الأردنية الحكومية (إقليم الجنوب) و درجة عدالة العقوبات التأديبية من وجهة نظرهم. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة مؤتة, الأردن

Modern Language Association (MLA)

الكساسبة، سكينة أحمد حسن. أشكال المخالفات التي يرتكبها العاملون في الجامعات الأردنية الحكومية (إقليم الجنوب) و درجة عدالة العقوبات التأديبية من وجهة نظرهم. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة مؤتة. (2019).

American Medical Association (AMA)

الكساسبة، سكينة أحمد حسن. (2019). أشكال المخالفات التي يرتكبها العاملون في الجامعات الأردنية الحكومية (إقليم الجنوب) و درجة عدالة العقوبات التأديبية من وجهة نظرهم. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة مؤتة, الأردن



Data Type

Arab Theses

Record ID
