دور مديري المدارس الثانوية بمحافظات غزة في تعزيز الهوية الوطنية الفلسطينية لدى طلبتهم و سبل تفعيله

Other Title(s)

The role of secondary school principals in the Gaza governorates in promoting the national Palestinian identity of their students and ways of its activation


الخطيب، وفاء محمود محمد

Thesis advisor

الصوفي، حمدان عبد الله شحدة


Islamic University


Faculty of Education


Fundamentals of Education Department

University Country

Palestine (Gaza Strip)



Degree Date


English Abstract

The aim of the study : The study aimed at identifying the role of secondary school principals in promoting the national Palestinian identity of their students And ways of its Activation in Gaza governments.

Study methodology : To achieve the aims of the study, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method.

Study tool : The researcher designed a questionnaire as the study tool consisting of (50) paragraphs distributed on (4) areas.

Study Sample: study sample consisted of (327) male and female teachers.

Data was analyzed using the statistical processing program (SPSS).

The study reached the following results : – The study sample's degree of the secondary school principal’s role in promoting the national Palestinian identity of their students is high with a relative weight of (78.1%).

– There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the sample estimates of the role of secondary school principals in promoting the national Palestinian identity of their students in the Gaza governorates in the total degree attributable to gender variable to sex variable (in favor of females), also the variable of years of service (in favor of (5-10 years).

– There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the sample estimates of the role of secondary school principals in promoting the national Palestinian identity of their students in the Gaza governorates in the total degree attributable to gender variable (academic l qualification, specialization).

– A collection of methods were proposed to activate the role of secondary school principals in promoting the national Palestinian identity of them students.

Recommendations - Providing instructional programs for high school principals specialized in consolidating the national identity in the hearts of students and cherishing it.

- Holding training courses for high school principals on the challenges of cultural globalization, cultural openness and ways to confront them.

- Promoting a culture of national identity for students by supporting school activities inside the school.

Main Subjects

Educational Sciences

No. of Pages


Table of Contents

فهرس المحتويات / الموضوعات.

الملخص / المستخلص.

المستخلص باللغة الإنجليزية.

الفصل الأول : الإطار العام للدراسة.

الفصل الثاني : الإطار النظري.

الفصل الثالث : الدراسات السابقة.

الفصل الرابع : إجراءات و منهجية الدراسة

الفصل الخامس : نتائج الدراسة الميدانية "إجابة التساؤلات و مناقشتها".

قائمة المراجع.

American Psychological Association (APA)

الخطيب، وفاء محمود محمد. (2020). دور مديري المدارس الثانوية بمحافظات غزة في تعزيز الهوية الوطنية الفلسطينية لدى طلبتهم و سبل تفعيله. (أطروحة ماجستير). الجامعة الإسلامية, فلسطين (قطاع غزة)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

الخطيب، وفاء محمود محمد. دور مديري المدارس الثانوية بمحافظات غزة في تعزيز الهوية الوطنية الفلسطينية لدى طلبتهم و سبل تفعيله. (أطروحة ماجستير). الجامعة الإسلامية. (2020).

American Medical Association (AMA)

الخطيب، وفاء محمود محمد. (2020). دور مديري المدارس الثانوية بمحافظات غزة في تعزيز الهوية الوطنية الفلسطينية لدى طلبتهم و سبل تفعيله. (أطروحة ماجستير). الجامعة الإسلامية, فلسطين (قطاع غزة)



Data Type

Arab Theses

Record ID
