العلاقة بين كفايات خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية واحتياجات سوق العمل الفلسطيني من وجهة نظر الخريجين وأرباب العمل

Other Title(s)

The relationship between the competences of the Palestinian universities graduates and the needs of the Palestinian labor market from the graduates and employers opinion


نخلة، وسام علي محمد

Thesis advisor

حنيني، محمد وجيه


Birzeit University


Faculty of Law and Public Administration

University Country

Palestine (West Bank)



Degree Date


Arabic Abstract

وبهدف تحديد درجة فاعلية الحلول والوسائل المقترحة اﻟﺗﻲ ﻣن ﺷﺄﻧﻬﺎ أن ﺗﺳﻬم ﻓﻲ ﺗطوﻳر كفايات خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية بما يتواءم مع احتياجات سوق العمل اعتمدت الباحثة أداة المقابلة، وكانت الأسئلة شبه مفتوحة لتحقيق أهداف الدراسة.

وقد تمت هذه المقابلات مع كل من الهيئة الوطنية للاعتماد والجودة والنوعية ووحدات الجودة في جامعات بيرزيت والبوليتكنيك.

واتضح أن فاعلية الحلول المتوفرة لتطوير جودة مخرجات التعليم العالي بما يتواءم مع احتياجات سوق العمل من وجهة نظر الهيئة الوطنية للاعتماد والجودة والنوعية كانت متوسطة الفعالية، فقد اعتبرتها وحدات الجودة في الجامعات ذات فعالية عالية.

وأوصت الدراسة بالعمل على تعزيز المسؤولية المجتمعية من خلال إشراك مؤسسات سوق العمل (العام، الخاص والأهلي) في وضع الخطط الأكاديمية لمؤسسات التعليم العالي، بما يضمن توفير تغذية راجعة لكلا الطرفين، سواء المشغلين أو الجامعات من خلال الطلبة لكونهم ما يزالوا على مقاعد الدراسة.

وبناء القدرات الوطنية لضمان دقة تحديد مستويات الكفايات التي يتوقعها أرباب العمل من الخريجين.

ووضع دليل لربط الوظائف والمهن بالتخصصات المطلوبة في سوق العمل، وتوفير مؤشرات عن أهم الكفايات التي يحتاجها سوق العمل من وجهة نظر أصحاب العمل.

وتعزيز البرامج والآليات التي تتبعها الهيئة الوطنية لاعتماد والجودة والنوعية والجامعات في قيامها بالتقويم الشامل والمستمر لبرامجها التعليمية وتطوير وتعميم الفعال منها بما يلزم كافة الجامعات باتباعه.

English Abstract

The study objective to know the relationship between the competencies of Palestinian university graduates and the needs of the Palestinian labor market from the perspective of graduates and employers.

the researcher used the descriptive quantitative and qualitative method to collect data.

two questionnaires were designed, first, for graduates' competencies, second: for competencies that employers suppose in the graduates.

each, consisted of two parts, demographic information about the person being researched, and items related to three identified competences, first: the appropriateness of personal and social competencies in the labor market, second: the appropriateness of competencies “performance” to the needs of the labor market, third: the suitability of the specialized and technical competencies to the needs of the labor market.

answers were scaled according to Likert’s five-point scale, beginning with “always” giving (5) degrees, “often” giving (4) degrees, “sometimes” giving (3) degrees, then “rarely” giving (2) degrees, ending with “never” and giving (1).

the first study population were represented by the graduates of local universities (less than 3 years), and second study population were represented the by the labor market institutions (public, commercial and commercial sectors).

a random sample was chosen from both, the sample size for the graduates was 401, while the size of the employers' sample was 400.

as for the interview samples for graduates and employers, they were intentionally randomized, consisting of 8 graduates and 8 employers, and were chosen from the study populations.

the results show that the level of suitability of the competencies of Palestinian university graduates to the needs of the labor market in Palestine from the graduates’ perspective was so great that the arithmetic mean of the total degree of response reached (4.42) and a standard deviation (0.40).

the total response score was (3.66) and a standard deviation (0.69).

also, statistically significant differences were found at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) about the suitability of the competencies of Palestinian university graduates to the needs of the labor market in Palestine according to the total degree and on the axes (organizational competencies, specialized and technical competencies) from the graduates ’opinion according to the age variable, it was between the age group less than 30 years old and age groups from 30 years and less than 45 years as well as 60 years and over for the benefit of business leaders who are under 30 years old.

also, statistically significant differences were found at a significant level (α ≤ 0.05) regarding the suitability of the competencies of Palestinian university graduates to the needs of the labor market in Palestine from the graduates' opinion, according to the variable years of experience in the field of work, from one year, as well as between two years and less than 3 years and one year and less than two years, for the benefit of two years and less than 3 years.

statistically significant differences were found at a significant level (α ≤ 0.05) regarding the suitability of the competencies of Palestinian university graduates to the needs of the labor market in Palestine from the graduates' opinion in Palestine, according to the variable of specialization.

statistically significant differences were also found at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) regarding the suitability of the competencies of Palestinian university graduates to the needs of the labor market in Palestine according to degree and on the items from the opinion of employers according to the variable of age, and this age group was between 21 years and less than 23 years.

as well as for the benefit of the category of 25 years and over.

statistically significant differences were found at the level of (α ≤ 0.05) regarding the suitability of the competencies of Palestinian university graduates to the needs of the labor market in Palestine from the opinion of employers according to the variable of the nature of work, and the benefit of eligibility.

at the same time, an interview with 8 graduates from local universities who work in the local labor market institutions agreed on the analyzed results from the questionnaire.

another interview with 8 employers, who meet the conditions of the sample, confirmed the suitability of the competencies of Palestinian university graduates and the needs of the labor market to a large extent, and attributed this to the fact that universities in recent years have changed and developed opportunities for training students before their graduation, and this helps graduates to acquire more and more market competencies.

in order to determine the degree of effectiveness of the proposed solutions and means that would contribute to developing the competencies of Palestinian university graduates in line with the needs of the labor market, the researcher adopted the interview tool, and the questions were semi-open to achieve the objectives of the study.

these interviews were conducted with the national accreditation, and quality organization and the quality units at Birzeit and polytechnic universities.

it became clear that the effectiveness of the solutions available to develop the quality of higher education outputs in line with the needs of the labor market from the opinion of the national commission for accreditation, quality was of medium effectiveness, as the quality units in universities considered them highly effective.

the study recommended work to enhance social responsibility by involving labor market institutions (public, private and private) in developing academic plans for higher education institutions, in order to ensure the provision of feedback to both parties, whether employers or universities, through students, since they are still in school.

build national capacity to ensure that the competency levels employers expect of graduates are accurately determined by the people who are working in this field and especially the evaluation and quality units at universities.

and developing a guide to link jobs and professions with the specializations required in the labor market, and provide indicators of the most important competencies needed by the labor market from the opinion of employers.

and strengthening the programs and mechanisms followed by the national authority for accreditation, quality, and universities in carrying out a comprehensive and continuous evaluation of their educational programs, and developing and disseminating effective ones in a manner that obliges all universities to follow.

Main Subjects



No. of Pages


Table of Contents

فهرس المحتويات / الموضوعات.

الملخص / المستخلص.

المستخلص باللغة الإنجليزية.

الفصل الأول: الإطار العام للدراسة.

الفصل الثاني: الدراسات السابقة.

الفصل الثالث: الإطار النظري للدراسة.

الفصل الرابع: الإطار التطبيقي للدراسة.

الفصل الخامس: التحليل والنتائج والتوصيات.

قائمة المراجع.

American Psychological Association (APA)

نخلة، وسام علي محمد. (2021). العلاقة بين كفايات خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية واحتياجات سوق العمل الفلسطيني من وجهة نظر الخريجين وأرباب العمل. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة بيرزيت, فلسطين (الضفة الغربية)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

نخلة، وسام علي محمد. العلاقة بين كفايات خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية واحتياجات سوق العمل الفلسطيني من وجهة نظر الخريجين وأرباب العمل. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة بيرزيت. (2021).

American Medical Association (AMA)

نخلة، وسام علي محمد. (2021). العلاقة بين كفايات خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية واحتياجات سوق العمل الفلسطيني من وجهة نظر الخريجين وأرباب العمل. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة بيرزيت, فلسطين (الضفة الغربية)



Data Type

Arab Theses

Record ID
