Transferability and translatability of idioms by Arab students learning English as a second language

Other Title(s)

طوعية ترجمة التعابير الاصطلاحية و نقلها على أيدي الطلبة العرب المتعلمين للغة الإنجليزية كلغة ثانية


Malahmah, Muhammad Ali

Thesis advisor

Kanakri, Mahmud Ali

Comitee Members

al-Said, Jumah Salim Najadat
al-Ghazw, Manal Muhammad Hamdan
al-Shannaq, Abd Allah


Mutah University


Faculty of Business


Department of Public Administration

University Country




Degree Date


English Abstract

This study aims at investigating whether prototypically theory by Kellerman (1999) holds true for the L2 acquisition of elements beyond the lexical level by examining the acquisition of clause-level idioms (proverbs) in two typologically distant languages (Arabic and English).

The study contained four experiments exploring the effects of several factors on idiom transferability; these factors are : native speakers' intuitions about the semantic transparency of the LI idioms, the pragmatic and structural congruency of idioms across the two languages, the L2 proficiency level, and the L2 idiom comprehension and production.

The first experiment explored the Arabic native speakers' intuitions about semantic transparency.

The second and the third experiments investigated learners' judgments about the acceptability of structurally and pragmatically congruent translations.

The fourth investigated the learners' actual productive use of L2 idioms, L2 idioms comprehension and production.

Results showed that semantic transparency plays a significant role in the learners' acceptability judgments of L2 idioms translations.

Moreover, results showed that L2 proficiency level is also an interacting variable in determining transferability.

Additionally, learners at the higher proficiency level did better than learners at the lower proficiency level in all the experiments of this study, indicating that errors and L1 influence decrease with increasing proficiency.

However, results showed that structural congruency doesn't have a significant impact on transferability.

Learners, regardless of proficiency level, accepted pragmatically congruent translations more frequently than structurally congruent translation.

Moreover, learners provided target-like idioms and target-like paraphrase more often than literal translations indicating that learners do have L2 knowledge about L2 idioms and thus they have transferred L2 idioms into their interlanguage.

Finally, results showed that learners processed (comprehended) the figurative meaning of the idioms far before they processed the literal meaning.

Main Subjects

Educational Sciences


No. of Pages


Table of Contents

Table of contents.


Chapter one : Statement of the problem.

Chapter two : Review of related literature.

Chapter three : Design and methodology.

Chapter four : Findings and disscution.

Chapter five : Summary, conclusion and recommendations.


American Psychological Association (APA)

Malahmah, Muhammad Ali. (2004). Transferability and translatability of idioms by Arab students learning English as a second language. (Master's theses Theses and Dissertations Master). Mutah University, Jordan

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Malahmah, Muhammad Ali. Transferability and translatability of idioms by Arab students learning English as a second language. (Master's theses Theses and Dissertations Master). Mutah University. (2004).

American Medical Association (AMA)

Malahmah, Muhammad Ali. (2004). Transferability and translatability of idioms by Arab students learning English as a second language. (Master's theses Theses and Dissertations Master). Mutah University, Jordan



Data Type

Arab Theses

Record ID
