من مظاهر التخفيف في اللهجة المحلمية المهاجرة

Other Title(s)

Aspects of mitigation in tone Almheimih migratory


ربيع، أحمد علي محمود


مجلة بحوث كلية الآداب


Vol. 23, Issue 91 (31 Oct. 2012), pp.3-61, 59 p.


University of Menoufiya Faculty of Arts

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Arabic language and Literature

Abstract EN

Assets Nation Aimheimih : and his clan, ؛Belong worded Almheimih to Mhelm Shiban and so-called " Mahimeon " and their homes called after it is said , " House Mhelm " or homes ٠ their name side of the Tur هلأ0ة homes in the %اآإأ Almheimih , located Abdin from the Arab region within what was known as Diyarbakir, has already been defined so.

This clan Tantzationa the cluster of villages spread along the line from Azach eastward to the borders of Mardin approx.

And tone Almheimih of one of the ad]acent dialects belong to a single origin , including some of the differences accents , including conductivity, , Almardinih and monastic and others, called the dialects of northern ^Mesopotamia.

This incursion into the dialect fluency in tetms of words , most of these words hit in eloquence in depth , so you find a the wombs of dictionaries and language books ٨؛ آآثعل'أآ~أء lot , and still live on the tongues , and did not rid of them Almhejmih ■ This area , which includes a set .of dialects belong to a larger which includes Diyarbakir and ء area is Island Lafratah Rabia homes and damaging homes and others.

We have settled this dialect in that area for a long time , am , while others consider it؛each to before the advent of ls this country from the Muslims,'؛© th the conquerors؛came w region, and it was mostly’ from the ةن،ي ٢١؛ '*'here they settled tribes of Bala* bin- •Wael and beat some measured from the Rabia, dispersed in this island , was Shiban from the firstborn , and $hiban children Mhelm , of the owners of .

this dialect characteristics,, despite mixing with otner OWIICI؛, uLuer languages Ka؛c.ardah and Turkish , ajmong others .

But represent a ..threat to her now, which’ls twice the careful ethnic identity especially among the younger generation and the most important features of identity language , which , in addition to the duplication of language , where they speak Turkish as an official language in schools, colleges and.factories, and the cost of conversation daily between individuals ؛ which makes the language mother alien among her children , this danger has calied jealous should incite to write as creativity and.

establish institutes and colleges to teach and maintain.

Aspects of mitigation : Aspects of mitigation are those pictures accents multi per word , which seeks from behind, creating a kind of harmony between sounds in the word, to facilitate the speakers , which.types of change can.

not come intentionally , but come Sorry commensurate •with the nature of the speakers, and circumstances ' social and cultural rights.

On this basis , the Arab buildings impassable for mitigation , has elected certain characters , or deleted , or changed to other , even styling construction, straightened with Easy desirable approach .

Scientists have monitored many old photographs manifestation of mitigation , which the ancient dialects .

It was reported Sibaw'ayh many types of mitigation scattered in the book, between, and aspects of mitigating them, so he said : "I know that all connecting mobile was accepted by a consonant I wanted to soften deleted and thrown into movement on the resident, '،vho accepted he said in another place: "He said some thirteen thirteen and the like., a measurement but deleted disregard , "and also said:" some of them say : Vet , " .

and said : " but what was located showing disregard " He says I'm taking : " The some speech Asnkhvava " It is also savins: " it's that thev are what they aereed increase in the last □iris, five ..

singled increase the millennium disresard it.

and desire in which there without sisters : Az and w'aw' ", " It's that door slurring in the converging towards Dr wedge in and from all rounding door , towards, Ezdan .

and all doorAlmdharah ".

Many times the Lord when linguists in various issues of language , especially in relation to voice lesson and morphological .

As for the grammar lesson has tended ،modern dialects to Altkhvv of many of his looks , where opted soothing and faded tag, content and left alone , revealing the meaning of grammar.

General manifestations of tone Almhelmih Belong the Alm^elinih dialect - 'in principle - to a group of dialects that belong to the nomadic environment in general, and to the accents the island's eastern region in particular.

Have already Mahlmyin the descent due to the built $hiban who belong to the tribe of Bakr bin \Vael that inhabit the eastern region of the island, and her tone, which are characterized by the characteristics of other dialects , and share some characteristics with accents nomadic environment I have tried - through hearing - to notice the general characteristics of this dialect and found that the most important are: 1 - belong the Almhelmih dialect - in many of the characteristics - to Bedouin dialects of the environment ء including the tendency' to sounds and Almjhorh on laminated account and Almanmosh , as well as the tendency to vote at the expense of severe soft.

of them showing ١ He says ل also sayir the last disregard and waw towards I £zdan, ai Many tin language 0لهمآل0هآ As for th Altkhw ( faded tag.


General rr Belong th dialects th ؛and to th Have alre; ؛who belo ؛eastern r '؛character share sc ؛environm I have tr ؛؛character important ؛1 - helo ؛؛character including laminated ١ to vote at 2 - qualities that characterize this dialect ء speech speed , a Bedouin phenomenon , resulting in deleting some sounds of the word, and the conversion of some votes from his place submitters or delay , which is called spatial heart.

3 - tend this dialect - like many of the Bedouin dialects - to slot tilt towards Kasra , and thousands around z ء has been recorded in a number of '.vords, his statement will come later.

4 - use this dialect na to denote the receiver instead of the Seine and say, for example : T do , which we will do , t we might , which we will , and so this is much lilce what Egyptian colloquial use ha place 0'f the Seine or the will to indicate ..the reception prior to the act such as " laryngeal " Weإ1؛-اآ " Hanlab " we W'ill play ....


أل seems that the "t conduct " abridged "Come conduct " or Come play in the "t play and that " laryngeal " in colloquial Egyptian origin Come conduct, then shortened " Hngera " then distraction H.

near the exit became " laryngeal " and God knows best.

5 - Transition this dialect thousand in "what” precluding Wawa , they say , in what I did , Mo did, and also in the " hit ", Mo hit.

6 - tend this dialect - also tend many dialects Bedouin - to break character Almdharah , which is what he calls some scientists ?tllh, has abounded examples in dialect , not Surprisingly, have spread this phenomenon in most parts of the .Fabian Peninsula , and appeared to resonate in readings 7 - characterized this dialect including characterized the Bedouin dialects of the movement to get rid of some of the words, so Kqaibd and word , and neck, and other words.

8 - this dialect vocabulary eloquent vocabulary , but it hit the in eloquence depth , where many of them became çontaining stomachs dictionaries ' and language bookstand got rid of it the most modern dialects and accents.

* ل-'" ' 9 - got rid tone of some fe.amres that distinguish between grammaticai meanings , the movement has Jost its role in this area , but faded completely.

This is a general phenomenon in all dialects ofmodem standard Arabic " and is no' stranger to agree dialects all, in the impartiality' of the accents , the votes Arab and norms in dialects spoken many fonns C'f change and deviation and subject to the law ofthe law's of evolution , and therefore it is to prepare fall movement in these dialects proof of the Arab presence in the mother.

" 10 - from the remains ofthe manifestations expressed in this dialect used to prove Noon in five acts , but they Amamoha the report and the opened and Almdzom Soviet proposal understand Athbtonha in each case .

11 - led stability factor to the type of development in this dialect She even took some'of the characteristics dialects.

civilized , so Kedzhill insults in many words, and the tendency to form Alaaüa in punishment between waw and the Omega , the tendency to form- diluted at the expense of Mufkhm , and Almanmos at the expense of in one word , a " ؛nay ", where they have turned to " cut " Kef -na .

12 - resulted in duplication of language experienced by the owners of this dialect to the entry of many Turkish words , and some precedents or suffixes foreign to this language , it is the words that entered this dialect of Turkish: Ccormt : cooked in hot oil , and Blake: talking and shower : think, and Hocal : sat curled ,: clean teeth ...

So on.

13 - involved Mahlmyin in the region, the Kurds and the Syriac and living among them , preferably Syriac places mountain , and Ku,’'ds live amid the Arabs and thus became the coexistence of the three languages : Arabic, Kurdish.

Syriac way to an impact and vulnerability among the three this are; phenome ncf stra ول accents , forms of laws of movemen the mothe 10-from dialect us، the report ،understaa led $ - أ ١ ،١٦،$ dialect civilized :١ tendency ؛the Omeg Mufkhm , ^ay , wh ؛12 - result owners of ■ and some f is the wore 1 cooked in and Hoc?،l: 13 - involv Syriac and ؛ , mountain ؛t^e coexist Syriac way languages and had a resonance in the pronunciation Vv'hen Mahimvin.

14 - This tone - like other Arabic dialects - in southeast Turkey has been a long time det^'ing Turkification , and the penalties that occur as a result of talking without Turkish , was the Arabs - including Mahlmeon - do not speak Turkish .

but in the offic؛al premises , taking Arabic tongue to them in مم'هآآ£ in Arab Councils , and in the debates and discussions among them , but in the last period, and ten year's ago have cooled determination , and the weakness of intolerance for Arabic, and continued the family to speak Turkish with each other, which has had a significant impact on the decline in Arabic on the tongues of their owners .

which, threatens extinction on their tongues after a short time , after what has eluded hundreds of years on the subse؛v؛efice and defeat , and his father remained dear long time .

Has opened section of the Arabic language at the University of Mardin - the Mahlmyin even maintain their properties Arabic dialects in this region, and encourage the study and practice among themselves, and this is encouraging, we hope to be brought to eat it, and works to maintain these dialects , as a conference to these dialects in the city of Nfardin in the month of May 2013 which provided many of the research on these dialects , revealing characteristics and examine the reasons for its development, and work to maintain it, and it was this research that the hands of the reader.

the Shiban who descent due to Wael Bakr bin .

2 - that they had died their original homeland in the east of the, island have been displaced to Tur Abdin since the mullennia and settled in this place, and the)■ had a big role in the opening and around Ira؟ , particularly in Qadisi>-ah v،’ar with Saad bin Abi Waqas may Allah be pleased with him .

3 - this tone has maintained many of the properties and has maintained many images of ancient manifestations and fluent.

4 - this dialect suffered greatly because of their distance from their place of origin ء a,؟ well as the conflict be^’een them and the number of languages invasive, and pressures imposed by her owners due to stick to it.

5 - still the owners of this dialect they use in their homes and between their parents, and teach their children - as a modern language - with Astaadthm by the Turkish in schools and forums, and events, as an official language .

6 - that the manifestations of mitigation in this dialect are many and varied , some of them came by facilitating Hamza ; although this dialect belongs to the Bedouin tribe , but they opted for mitigation and bucked their environment, and this shows that the time factor has an impact in this development ; as well as the transmission of the tone of the environment to the other and friction with other dialects and languages .

7 - One of the manifestations of mitigati،)n also reportedly of cannibalization images that have been studied in this dialect , and choose the tone of what corresponds to the nature of altruism sound Mufkhm ( antibiotic ) commensurate with Alra the, for example , occurs voice kind of harmony between the sounds of one word .

8 - as well as tilt that come to hit the homogeneity between vowels votes , which reported its models agree that it W'as an old Bedouin dialects ؛ as well as readings .

9 - and comes to get rid of the movement as a kind of relief in such Liver , and neck, an ancient accents attributed also to the environment and has a Bedouin in the old peer examples forgot to their owners , people of great tends Arabs , has pertinent reasons to do so.

4 - this dia) from their p them and th إ imposed by 5 - still the and betweer modern lan schools and 6 - that the many and v; ء ,although opted for m shows that t , as well as to the other 7 - One of of cannibal ar.

ء dialect nature of commensur kind ofhan 8-as well ؛vowels vot old Bedouij 9 - and con in such Li\ to the env ا examples Arabs , has لآ: من مظاهر اننخفيف في النهجة المحنسه النهاجرة 10 - then comes deletion and heart in words to happen each species of mitigation received from the Arabs in the past and Tmtheltha this dialect in multiple images , to demonstrate the authenticity of Arabic dialects .

1ل - as to break the first letter of the act , past was or Mdharaa represents a phenomenon raised dialects in ancient most environments Arabic , and written by them , and she is accustomed to the pronunciation has became lighter than other forms of speech the other .

12 - We urgently need to mal

13 - should be reconsidered in the geographical map ancient Arab tribes on the island ana around , how many stomachs have died tribes and migrated to new places , and ho’-.v-much of the thighs, has evolved dialects for the tone ofthe tribe mother , and how mucl'، of clans and families , have migrated to distant places , and Bash.a^r mixed families , tribes again , of the accents are different features on the characteristics ofthe mother dialect.

14 - that we stand for this dialect at home this is the land of Turkey shows us how much neglect suffered by these dialects , which have not been addressed wrote learners, and simplify the realities and characteristics in the classroom among the educated , making it a stranger in her native and exotic also among those interested in the lesson language.

American Psychological Association (APA)

ربيع، أحمد علي محمود. 2012. من مظاهر التخفيف في اللهجة المحلمية المهاجرة. مجلة بحوث كلية الآداب،مج. 23، ع. 91، ص ص. 3-61.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

ربيع، أحمد علي محمود. من مظاهر التخفيف في اللهجة المحلمية المهاجرة. مجلة بحوث كلية الآداب مج. 23، ع. 91 (تشرين الأول 2012)، ص ص. 3-61.

American Medical Association (AMA)

ربيع، أحمد علي محمود. من مظاهر التخفيف في اللهجة المحلمية المهاجرة. مجلة بحوث كلية الآداب. 2012. مج. 23، ع. 91، ص ص. 3-61.

Data Type

Journal Articles




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