Studying insurance and working in insurance companies : advising people on choosing best insurance

Fatawa Question

Assalamu Alaikum, May Allah bless you your efforts and time. I have an opportunity to improve my financial situation by getting involved with Primerica a Financial Services company. I have 7 kids, wife doesn’t work, cannot work, going in debt very fast, my landlord has asked me to leave the apartment because he wants to sell it, mortgage is Haram, no one would give me a rental property because of family size, only way is to make enough money to buy a house in cash. In this financial service business we advice people on how to reduce debt by offering better products which includes loans and insurance policies with lower interest rates. I can build my own business and make very good money in commission at the same time helping families get rid of or reduce their debt. In a regular job i will never have enough to make ends meet and I will pay more and more interest until I go bankrupt. This society is not for single earner families. I avoided credit based on Riba for 4 years after I came here but finally the system caught up with me. I hate it but I am stuck init. I have a full time job that pays half of my expenses the other half is increasing by debt monthly. I have tried to get a second job and every other thing and I don’t get a response from anyone. Is this business Halal or it is Haram for me to do this business to rid myself of Riba forever. Once I have paid my debt and bought a house I would do some trading business without any involvement of Riba. I won’t be taking Riba but I will be advising families on how to reduce it which is good in itself. I desperately need your advice on this one I would appreciate if you do not publicize my letter so openly because community will immediately know it is me, I am a well know College Professor and actively involved in community and Daawa activities. Not many people are in my situation in this community. So I am very recognizable.


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Economics & Business Administration
Islamic Studies


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American Psychological Association (APA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2003-01-02. Studying insurance and working in insurance companies : advising people on choosing best insurance. .

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Qahf, Mundhir. Studying insurance and working in insurance companies : advising people on choosing best insurance. 2003-01-02.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2003-01-02. Studying insurance and working in insurance companies : advising people on choosing best insurance.