Receiving donation from non-Muslim and people who earn from interest to build mosque : giving from interest accounts to a Muslim daughter

Fatawa Question

Salams Dr. Monzer, pls. help replying the following question : AssalamuAlaikom, I am a Muslim woman married to a Dutch man for 8 years and has a daughter of 5 years. My husband was a Christian but converted before our marriage. Now he started saying that he really never converted for real and has been always a Christian. I am going for divorce and planning to go back to my country of origin In Sha Allah, my questions are the following : 1-I need some financial help to buy a house for me and my daughter ; can he take a loan from a bank dealing with Riba (he will take it to give it to me) ? 2-He will pay for his daughter every moth a given amount of money, is it Halal money as he is non-Muslim ? 3-Whenever he dies does Islam allow his Muslim daughter (InShaAllah she will be brought up as a Muslim) to inherit him as he is non-mole ? Jazakom Allahu khairan and don't forget me with Duaa Hatta Yuthabbetni Allah. Wael


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Financial and Accounting Sciences
Islamic Studies


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American Psychological Association (APA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2009-08-26. Receiving donation from non-Muslim and people who earn from interest to build mosque : giving from interest accounts to a Muslim daughter. .

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Qahf, Mundhir. Receiving donation from non-Muslim and people who earn from interest to build mosque : giving from interest accounts to a Muslim daughter. 2009-08-26.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2009-08-26. Receiving donation from non-Muslim and people who earn from interest to build mosque : giving from interest accounts to a Muslim daughter.