Use interest money to pay bribes, bank charges, taxes : spending on brother treatment from earned interest

Fatawa Question

[Question one] : Dear Scholar Assalamalekum WRB, Hope this email finds you in good health. Last year I had posed a question regarding using the Zakah and Interest money for my brother's treatment and future treatment, which you can find in this mail's history along with your reply to it. Alhamdulillah, so far I have been able to stick to what you guided in this regard, i.e., take care of my brother on my own and not from Zakah or interest money and InSha Allah I intend to do so as long as I am capable of it or until I find a Halal investment plan to support his medical care . I have few questions which are relevant to the scenario explained before. Recently after disposing some ancestral property we accumulated some money. I decided not to take any share in it as I felt my brother and my sister are more deserving of it. Since I am the only bread earner in the family, last year I paid the Zakah on this amount from my earning not from the amount deposited in my brother's and sister's name. Am I being right in doing so ? And as my responsibilities are growing, I sometimes get distressed at the fact that I have to pay a big amount from my savings towards Zakah on funds deposited in my brother's name and my sister's name and jewelry bought for my sister who is yet to get married. Always I get questions in my mind that, are these amounts really Zakatable ? As neither my sister nor my brother are earning. Please guide me in this regard, to have a firm and the right opinion in my mind.... [Question Two] : May Allah reward you in abundance for all the good work you are doing... Ameen From a long time I have one question which needs to be answered. I needed an answer from an authentic source. I searched for your email on net since I couldn’t pose my question on Fatwa session of Islam on line. I am mailing you with lot of hope that my question will be answered. I am a web developer working in Kuwait. Alhamdulillah Allah has given me enough means to carry out my responsibilities and to make the ends meet. I have my family back in India and is comprising of my mother, elder brother and a younger sister. We lost our father last year, he died of leukemia. I have the complete responsibility of my family on my shoulders now, as my elder brother is schizophrenic. We as a family Alhamdulillah are trying to keep ourselves as much away from interest [I.e. Riba] as possible. We dutifully discard all that interest that gets accumulated in our savings bank accounts [which is inevitable since India lacks Islamic banks] and try to keep away from all that which involves interest. We usually give away the interest amounts to the poor or the needy within the family and sometimes outside family as well. Out of introspection once I thought why not keep this amount in a separate account which can be used to take care of my elder brother. During every visit the psychiatrist who is treating my brother reminds me to keep a certain amount aside every month so that it can be helpful when he is sick or for his future. Psychiatrist always reminds us that eventually my brother would become complete insane [god forbid] and may have to be sent to the rehabilitation center. He always reminds us to prepare for that day. He also mentions that once I get married and have a family I won’t be able to look into this regard as much I am doing now. So my question here is.... Is this acceptable within the frame of Islam or will it be Haram to use this amount or even a part of the Zakah amount. Please guide me in this regard. With immense hopes of getting a reply.... Warm regards


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Financial and Accounting Sciences
Islamic Studies


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American Psychological Association (APA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2008-08-25. Use interest money to pay bribes, bank charges, taxes : spending on brother treatment from earned interest. .

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Qahf, Mundhir. Use interest money to pay bribes, bank charges, taxes : spending on brother treatment from earned interest. 2008-08-25.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2008-08-25. Use interest money to pay bribes, bank charges, taxes : spending on brother treatment from earned interest.