Shari’ah perspective on business opportunities : Muslim business directory

Fatawa Question

[Question One] : WAA Dr. Kahf Jak for the answer. Can you clarify just a little ? Our aim was to provide a professional service while also encouraging the community to support each other. The purpose of the directory is to 1. Help Muslims know the Muslims who provide services that they may need, as long as the services are permissible. But, we didn't want to promote anything Haram, for example liquor stores or casinos owned by Muslims. If a Muslim shop sells lottery, where do we set the line of allowing it on the directory or not ? Or is this something we need to ask on a case by case basis ? We also want to encourage clean Islamic values as much as possible. Do you say mortgage brokers could be on there, unlike liquor sellers, since while a Muslim should never be forced into alcohol, in N. America many do follow the opinion that out of necessity they have to take a mortgage ? 2. help Muslims know the non-Muslims who may provide services that are very specifically Islamic friendly [For example, some stores sell Halal certified food such as Canadian Superstore, or a stationery store that sells Eid cards]. [Question Two] : WAA Dr. Kahf Jazak Allah Khair and Ramadan Kareem. Would real estate agents be allowed on a Muslim business directory ? I understand mortgage brokers or people that give out interest based loans would not be, but we are a bit confused about real estate agents. Thanks again. Unfortunately we are not in a position to contract your services professionally at this point, but we understand if you would prefer to have a different arrangement. [Question three] : AA Dr. Kahf, Jazak Allah Khair for your answer regarding the affiliate program. We are setting up the Muslim online business directory at The vision is to have Muslims support businesses either owned by Muslims or providing services specifically for Muslims. As we start, we want to set some criteria for accepting/rejecting businesses. Do you have any suggestions-easy simple criteria to filter businesses through ? AA Murtada


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Economics & Business Administration
Islamic Studies

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American Psychological Association (APA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2009-08-30. Shari’ah perspective on business opportunities : Muslim business directory. .

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Qahf, Mundhir. Shari’ah perspective on business opportunities : Muslim business directory. 2009-08-30.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2009-08-30. Shari’ah perspective on business opportunities : Muslim business directory.