Car lease on hire purchase : figuring interest element in car rent invoice
Fatawa Question
Salaam upon your Dr Kahf, I have read some of your Fatwas but I'm not very sure if I have found the answer to my problem. I wanted to offer a car to my father, but a Halal car without taking any loans and interest, and therefore decided to sign the contract on renting a new car from the car dealer on a basis of 5 year. Hence the total amount of the car is divided in 60 months and gives up a 'rent' that we need to pay every month consecutively and the rent will remain the same for the following 60 months. At the end of the contract it is not possible 'to buy' the car according to the contract because we are just renting the car, however the car dealer said that is possible to buy the car but we'll have to pay market value of that car in order to buy it and have complete ownership. Throughout the 60 months the owner of the car is the car dealer. Now where the problem arises is that when they will send us the invoice every month say $1000 a month (I. e. the rent of hiring the car) they will also tell us the amount of interest that are incorporated in those $1000 in order to show as financial charges in our company. But for us it is a rent just like for all other things if the car dealer has constituted the rent for us with interest charges then we can't do anything. It is just like if we're renting a house from someone who has taken a house loan from the bank and when we are paying the rent to the owner, the owner with that money pays the bank which includes interest also, so that means that we can't rent a house or flat because the owner will pay the loan and the interest charges with it. If you could please tell us according the Shari’ah law if the car renting on long term is permissible in Islam ? If not, may you give us an alternative ? May Allah give you health and the highest place in Jannah. Jazaka Allah Ayaz
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Financial and Accounting Sciences
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Qahf, Mundhir. 2012-10-27. Car lease on hire purchase : figuring interest element in car rent invoice. .
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Qahf, Mundhir. Car lease on hire purchase : figuring interest element in car rent invoice. 2012-10-27.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Qahf, Mundhir. 2012-10-27. Car lease on hire purchase : figuring interest element in car rent invoice.