دور الحركة الكشفية في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية لدى الأفراد المنتسبين إليها

Other Title(s)

The role of scouting movement in the development of some life skills among the individuals affiliated with it
Le rôle du mouvement scout dans le développement de certaines compétences de vie chez les individus qui lui sont affiliés

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تيطراوي، رضوان


مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية و الإنسانية


Vol. 7, Issue 14 (30 Jun. 2018), pp.587-619, 33 p.


University of Mohamed Boudiaf M'sila Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Social Sciences (Multidisciplinary)

Abstract EN

On the grounds that human is a social being by his nature, he acquires social characteristics, values, and customs through interaction with individuals and groups; this fact makes us aware of the importance of the groups to which the individual belongs since his birth from the beginning of the family, then plajy friends, school groups, and colleagues of work.

So that the human can practice his social life according to standards, values, and patterns of behaviour that included in the culture of society; the society bears responsibility for its socialization, through several institution operating in a connected and continuous manner.

Similar to the scouting movement that follows a small groups system, by working on the development of various capacities of children (spiritual, social, physical, and others), in order to ensure the formation of the child personality at all scouting categories: cubs; scouts; advanced scouts; and bo;y scouts.

Where the activities of the Scouts plajy an important role in providing the individuals with a range of life skills that enable him to face various daily and future problems.

Life skills are especially important in our present age, which is characterized by a multitude of problems and variables.

It helps in shaping and refining the personality of the individual, preparing him to cope with various issues and the problems of daily life.

So this research was an attempt to identify the role of the Scout Movement in the development of some life skills of the individuals belonging to it, which can be formulated through the following proposition: - Does the scouting movement play a role in the development of some life skills (the social skills and work with group; the communication and connection skills; the leadership skills) in the individuals belonging to it? - Are there statistically significant differences between individuals affiliated with the scouting movement in acquiring some life skills depending to: years of involvement in scouts; the Scout category (Advanced Scout / Boy Scout); scout group? In order to address this issue on the field, we applied a measure of some life skills related to the nature of Scouts activities, consisting of 64 paragraphs distributed into 03 life skills (the social skills and work with group; the communication and connection skills; the leadership skills).

The descriptive approach was used in this study and applied to a sample composed of 68 scouts (advanced scout; Bo;y Scout) of the total of 88 scouts of the both categories; they were selected according to the comprehensive inventory method, they are divided into 05 groups.

The results appeared that the Scout Movement plays a major role in the development of life skills in the individuals belonging to it.

There are also no significant differences in the acquisition of life skills in individuals associated with the scout movement, whether it is the variable ;years of engagement in scouts; or the scout group variable.

There are statistically significant differences in the acquisition of these skills according to the variable of the scout category (advanced scout / Bo;y Scout) for the Bo;y Scout.

Through the above, shows the need to encourage the bo;ys by their parents to join the scouts, to help them build an integrated personality in all its aspects.

The Scout Movement needs serious care to preserve this social institution which pla;ys a large role in the formation good and productive individuals, as it has begun to lose its importance.

Abstract FRE

Le but de cette étude est d'identifier le rôle des scouts dans le développement de certaines compétences de vie chez les individus qui affiliés aux scouts.

L'échantillon de cette étude, composé de 68 scouts (scouts avancés, Bo;y Scout), a été sélectionné selon la méthode de l'inventaire complet, sur un total de 88 scouts des deux catégories ; ils sont divisés en 05 groupes.

Sur le terrain, la démarche descriptive a été adoptée, et appliquer une mesure de certaines compétences de vie qui se rapportent à la nature de la production des activités de scouts, où cette mesure de 64 paragraphes répartis sur 03 compétences de vie : compétences de communication et de connexion ; compétences sociales et travail en groupe ; compétences en leadership.

Les méthodes statistiques ont été utilisées sont : moyennes arithmétiques ; écarts-types ; test T ; et analyse de mono-variance.

Lorsque les résultats de cette étude ont montré que : les scouts jouent un rôle majeur dans le développement des compétences de vie chez les individus qui affiliés aux scouts.

Les scouts contribuent grandement au développement des compétences de communication et de connexion entre les individus affiliés aux scouts.

L'étude indique qu'il n'y a pas de différence dans l'acquisition de compétences de vie parmi les individus affiliés aux scouts selon les variables : les années d'engagement aux scouts ; le groupe aux scouts.

Mais il y a cependant une différence dans l'acquisition des compétences de vie chez les individus affiliés aux scouts en fonction de la variable du grade de scout (scout avancé, Bo;y Scout), en faveur au boy Scout.

D'où la nécessité d'encourager les parents à leurs enfants pour rejoindre au scoutisme, afin de les aider à construire une personnalité forte et intégrée, dans tous ses aspects.

American Psychological Association (APA)

تيطراوي، رضوان. 2018. دور الحركة الكشفية في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية لدى الأفراد المنتسبين إليها. مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية و الإنسانية،مج. 7، ع. 14، ص ص. 587-619.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

تيطراوي، رضوان. دور الحركة الكشفية في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية لدى الأفراد المنتسبين إليها. مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية و الإنسانية مج. 7، ع. 14 (حزيران 2018)، ص ص. 587-619.

American Medical Association (AMA)

تيطراوي، رضوان. دور الحركة الكشفية في تنمية بعض المهارات الحياتية لدى الأفراد المنتسبين إليها. مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية و الإنسانية. 2018. مج. 7، ع. 14، ص ص. 587-619.

Data Type

Journal Articles




يتضمن هوامش : ص. 618

Record ID
