Introduction to Islamic banking and finance : level 3

لغة التدريس




الملخص الإنجليزي

The introduction to Islamic banking and finance-PART 3 course is the last course of a three part series that gives a thorough explanation on the fundamental principles of selected areas in Islamic banking and finance.

The course provides candidates with an understanding and application of essential principles and requirements of issuing and managing Islamic securities in dynamic Islamic capital markets across jurisdictions.

The second part will cover the key essentials of Islamic insurance (Takaful) and Islamic re-insurance (re-Takaful).

An overview of risk management in Islamic financial institutions will also be covered

مدة البرنامج



- Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to : -Present an overview of the contemporary issues related to Islamic banking and finance. -Explain the current Islamic capital market landscape and examine the Islamic banking products that it consists of, comparing them to the original conventional products surance (Takaful). -Explain the fundamentals of risk management for Islamic financial institutions.

مجال العمل الميداني

This course is aimed at individuals who are interested in a career in the area of Islamic banking and finance, or have recently started their career in this field. It is also recommended as a refresher course for those already acquainted with Islamic banking and finance as it covers a multitude of selected areas in the field and discusses the current issues facing the industry.

المتطلبات السابقة للدورة

BIBF courses Introduction to islamic banking and finance-Part 1 600E. Introduction to islamic banking and finance-Part 2 641E.

برنامج الشهادة /الدورة

-A recap of part 1 and part 2 of the introduction to Islamic banking and finance series. -Growth and development of the Islamic capital markets. -Introduction to Islamic capital market products : equity, bonds, and derivatives. -Asset based vs. asset backed Sukuk. -Introduction on theories, techniques, and practice of Islamic insurance (Takaful). -Introduction to risk management of Islamic financial institutions.

التخصصات الرئيسية

العلوم المالية و المحاسبية
الدراسات الإسلامية


نوع البيانات

الشهادات التدريب

رقم السجل
