Fundamentals of Shariah issues in asset management

لغة التدريس




الملخص الإنجليزي

This one day workshop on Islamic compliance in asset management provides a comprehensive coverage of the Shari’ah requirement is asset management ; it is highly interactive and practical.

The workshop is designed for professionals who are interested in Islamic asset management and the Islamic capital market.

It provides an opportunity to develop skills and knowledge necessary to compete effectively in this rapidly growing market.

The workshop is designed for executives from Islamic banks and banks in general, asset management companies and advisors and lawyers who deal with Islamic asset management and Islamic financing in general.

It will provide invaluable information on the Shari’ah approaches of asset management.

Outlines -Why Shari’ah compliance in finance ?.

-The three-fold Shari’ah compliance issues.

-Avoidance of interest and other prohibited transactions 1.

The myth and truth about interest !.


What is prohibited and why ?.


Fixation of return is not an issue.


Diversification and hedging.


Gharar-cum-gambling transactions.


Sale of what one does not own.


The issue of possession in securities deals.

-Avoidance of prohibited products 1.

Objective of the prohibition ?.


Permanent and temporal consideration.


Main objected products.

-Implications of realism 1.

Real versus unreal properties.


Shari’ah preferences in asset holdings.


Return of unreal asset utilizations.


Degree of tolerance.


Does the Shari’ah tolerate prohibitions ?.


The Shari’ah principle in asset management.


Exceptional situations.


Criteria of tolerance and variation.


Purification principle and its objectives.


Islamic REIT and other trusts.


- This one day workshop on Islamic compliance in asset management provides a comprehensive coverage of the Shari’ah requirement is asset management ; it is highly interactive and practical.

مجال العمل الميداني

The workshop is designed for executives from Islamic banks and banks in general, asset management companies and advisors and lawyers who deal with Islamic asset management and Islamic financing in general.

ميزات الدورة

-The provide invaluable information on the Shari’ah approaches of asset management.

برنامج الشهادة /الدورة

-Why Shari’ah compliance in finance ?. -The three-fold Shari’ah compliance issues. -Avoidance of interest and other prohibited transactions 1. The myth and truth about interest !. 2. What is prohibited and why ?. 3. Fixation of return is not an issue. 4. Diversification and hedging. 5. Gharar-cum-gambling transactions. 6. Sale of what one does not own. 7. The issue of possession in securities deals. -Avoidance of prohibited products 1. Objective of the prohibition ?. 2. Permanent and temporal consideration. 3. Main objected products. -Implications of realism 1. Real versus unreal properties. 2. Shari’ah preferences in asset holdings. 3. Return of unreal asset utilizations. 4. Degree of tolerance. 5. Does the Shari’ah tolerate prohibitions ?. 6. The Shari’ah principle in asset management. 7. Exceptional situations. 8. Criteria of tolerance and variation. 9. Purification principle and its objectives. 10. Islamic REIT and other trusts.

التخصصات الرئيسية

العلوم المالية و المحاسبية
الدراسات الإسلامية


نوع البيانات

الشهادات التدريب

رقم السجل
