Lack of food security in the siege of Antioch 1097-1098 and its effects on the marginalized social groups : Tafurs and Eastern Christians as an example

Other Title(s)

انعدام الأمن الغذائي أثناء حصار أنطاكية 1097-1098م و انعكاساته على الفئات الاجتماعية الهامشية : الطافوريون و المسيحيون الشرقيون نموذجا


al-Warikat, Hala Abd al-Hamid


Algerian Journal of Research and Studies


Vol. 4, Issue 1 (31 Jan. 2021), pp.283-293, 11 p.


University of Mohammed Seddik Ben Yaha

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

History and Archaeology


Abstract AR

تشكل الحروب الصليبية بتطور احداثها نموذجا قيما على مدى تداخل الظروف السياسية و الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و البيئية و العسكرية على تطور الأحداث التاريخية و اتخذت الدراسة من تتبع الوضع الاقتصادي عامة و الغذائي خاصة للجيوش الصليبية و مدى تأثيره على العناصر الهامشية في الجيش بالإضافة الى انعكاسات الاحتياجات الغذائية للجيش الصليبي على وضع الفلاحين المسيحين الشرقيين في انطاكية و محيطها خاصة مع تزامن ذلك باتباع سياسة تخريبية تعمدت ريف انطاكية و محيطها من قبل القوات الإسلامية و الصليبية على حد سواء.

Abstract EN

In the development of their events, the Crusaders' wars are an important example of the extent of overlapping of the political, economic, social, environmental and military conditions in the historical events.

This study pursues the economic effect, in general, and the food effect, in particular, especially on the crusaders' armies and the extent of their effect on the marginal elements in that army, in addition to its reflections on the food demands of the Crusaders' army and the condition related to the Eastern Christians in Antioch and its surroundings, especially as it occurred at the time when a subversive policy had been followed against the countryside of Antioch and its surroundings by the Islamic and the Crusaders' forces.

American Psychological Association (APA)

al-Warikat, Hala Abd al-Hamid. 2021. Lack of food security in the siege of Antioch 1097-1098 and its effects on the marginalized social groups : Tafurs and Eastern Christians as an example. Algerian Journal of Research and Studies،Vol. 4, no. 1, pp.283-293.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

al-Warikat, Hala Abd al-Hamid. Lack of food security in the siege of Antioch 1097-1098 and its effects on the marginalized social groups : Tafurs and Eastern Christians as an example. Algerian Journal of Research and Studies Vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan. 2021), pp.283-293.

American Medical Association (AMA)

al-Warikat, Hala Abd al-Hamid. Lack of food security in the siege of Antioch 1097-1098 and its effects on the marginalized social groups : Tafurs and Eastern Christians as an example. Algerian Journal of Research and Studies. 2021. Vol. 4, no. 1, pp.283-293.

Data Type

Journal Articles




Includes bibliographical references : p. 293

Record ID
