Species composition and ecological indices of fishes in the restored marshes of southern Mesopotamia
Other Title(s)
تركيب التجمع السمكي و الدلائل البيئية في الاهوار المعادة في جنوب العراق
Joint Authors
al-Shami, E. Jabbar
Suud, Husayn Abd
Husayn, Najah Abbud
Vol. 3, Issue 1 (31 Mar. 2008), pp.17-31, 15 p.
University of Basrah College of Science
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Earth Sciences, Water and Environment
Abstract AR
درس التجمع السمكي في اهوار المنطقة الجنوبية ما بعد فترة التجفيف (2005-2004)، و قد أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن أسماك الخشني L.abu و أسماك كارب الكارسين Carassius carassius سائدة في الاهوار الثلاثة المدروسة (هور سوق الشيوخ و هور شرق الحمار و هور الحويزة).
و سجلت خمسة أنواع مدخلة و سبعة أنواع بحرية.
كان أعلى عدد لأنواع الأسماك النهرية (17) في هور الحويزة، بلغت الدلائل البيئية (التنوع و الغنى و السيادة) و التشابه في المجتمعات السمكية الثلاثة إذ تراوح التنوع بين 2.07-0.87 و الغنى 2.6-0.8 و السيادة بين 0.86-0.39، و كانت أعلى قيمة للتشابه بين هوري سوق الشيوخ و شرق الحمار (73 %).
أظهر دليل الاسترجاع أعلى قيمة في هور الحويزة إذ بلغ 73.9.
Abstract EN
Fish species composition and ecological indices were monitored in three restored southern marshes (Suq Al-Shuyukh, Al- Huwayzah and East Hammar), during the period June 2004 to July 2005.
18 freshwater and seven marine species were collected in total from Al- Huwayza, Suq Al-Shuyuakh and East Hammar.
The fish composition of each marsh exhibits certain differences.
In Al- Huwayzah the fish assemblage dominated by native species formed of 70.6%.
In Suq Al-Shuyukh 64.7%, in East Hammar consisted of 47.8%.The highest alien and marine constituents were in Al- Huwayzah and East Hammar 29.4% and 30.4%respectively.
The dominant species in the three monitored marshes was Liza abu and in the second rank was Carassius carassius.
Diversity and Richness were higher in East Hammar than other marshes, Evenness generally the same in all marshes.
Higher value of Similarity between Suq Al- Shuyukh and East Hammar 73.9%, between Al- Huwazah and Suq Al- Shuyukh 70%, in comparison with 68.1% between Al- Huwazah and East Hammar.
The recovery index were higher in East Hammar (71.8%), in compared with 69.5 % and 65.2 % in Suq Shuyukh and Huwazah respectively.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Husayn, Najah Abbud& al-Shami, E. Jabbar& Suud, Husayn Abd. 2008. Species composition and ecological indices of fishes in the restored marshes of southern Mesopotamia. Marsh Bulletin،Vol. 3, no. 1, pp.17-31.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
al-Shami, E. Jabbar…[et al.]. Species composition and ecological indices of fishes in the restored marshes of southern Mesopotamia. Marsh Bulletin Vol. 3, no. 1 (Mar. 2008), pp.17-31.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Husayn, Najah Abbud& al-Shami, E. Jabbar& Suud, Husayn Abd. Species composition and ecological indices of fishes in the restored marshes of southern Mesopotamia. Marsh Bulletin. 2008. Vol. 3, no. 1, pp.17-31.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Includes bibliographical references : p. 29-30
Record ID