A Parametrization-Invariant Fourier Approach to Planar Linkage Synthesis for Path Generation

Joint Authors

Li, Xiangyun
Chen, Peng


Mathematical Problems in Engineering


Vol. 2017, Issue 2017 (31 Dec. 2017), pp.1-16, 16 p.


Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Civil Engineering

Abstract EN

This paper deals with the classic problem of the synthesis of planar linkages for path generation.

Based on the Fourier theory, the task curve and the synthesized four-bar coupler curve are regarded as the same curve if their Fourier descriptors match.

Using Fourier analysis, a curve must be given as a function of time, termed a parametrization.

In practical applications, different parametrizations can be associated with the same task and coupler curve, respectively; however, these parametrizations are Fourier analyzed to different Fourier descriptors, thus resulting in the mismatch of the task and coupler curve.

In this paper, we present a parametrization-invariant method to eliminate the influence of parametrization on the values of Fourier descriptors by unifying given parametrizations to the arc length parametrization; meanwhile, a new design space decoupling scheme is introduced to separate the shape, size, orientation, and location matching of the task and four-bar curve, which leads naturally to an efficient synthesis approach.

American Psychological Association (APA)

Li, Xiangyun& Chen, Peng. 2017. A Parametrization-Invariant Fourier Approach to Planar Linkage Synthesis for Path Generation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering،Vol. 2017, no. 2017, pp.1-16.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Li, Xiangyun& Chen, Peng. A Parametrization-Invariant Fourier Approach to Planar Linkage Synthesis for Path Generation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering No. 2017 (2017), pp.1-16.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Li, Xiangyun& Chen, Peng. A Parametrization-Invariant Fourier Approach to Planar Linkage Synthesis for Path Generation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2017. Vol. 2017, no. 2017, pp.1-16.

Data Type

Journal Articles




Includes bibliographical references

Record ID
