Conceptual metaphors in the daily show with Jon Stewart

Joint Authors

Ajamiyah, Amirah
Ajamiyah, Amirah
Baza, Iman Muhammad Isam Sayf al-Nasr




Vol. 10, Issue 3 (31 Jul. 2021), pp.37-59, 23 p.


Cairo University Cairo University Center for Languages and Translation

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects



Abstract EN

In this paper, the researcher studied Conceptual Metaphors and how they were used in an American satirical show.

The researcher specifically looked at episodes from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in April, May and June, 2013.

A mixed-design approach was used to decide on the kinds of conceptual metaphors used.

The researcher mainly used a qualitative approach to decide on the emerging patterns of Conceptual Metaphors, based on George Lakoff and Mark Johnson's (1980) book Metaphors We Live By, and then used frequency counts to decide on the most common kinds.

The analysis showed that structural metaphors were more common than ontological metaphors with POLITICS AS ART and GOVERNEMNT AS A CORRUPT BUSINESS MODEL being the most used (59% ).

This showed that the use of some source domains like art and business rendered the message clear to the audience in terms of who their presidents and politicians really were.

As for ontological metaphors, personification was mostly used, especially when talking about the GOVERNMENT AS A HYPOCRITE AND LIAR and JOURNALISM AND PROSECUTION AS FREE HUMAN BEINGS.

Giving a non-living thing a human trait showed the intensity of the message.

American Psychological Association (APA)

Ajamiyah, Amirah& Ajamiyah, Amirah& Baza, Iman Muhammad Isam Sayf al-Nasr. 2021. Conceptual metaphors in the daily show with Jon Stewart. Hermes،Vol. 10, no. 3, pp.37-59.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Ajamiyah, Amirah& Ajamiyah, Amirah& Baza, Iman Muhammad Isam Sayf al-Nasr. Conceptual metaphors in the daily show with Jon Stewart. Hermes Vol. 10, no. 3 (Jul. 2021), pp.37-59.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Ajamiyah, Amirah& Ajamiyah, Amirah& Baza, Iman Muhammad Isam Sayf al-Nasr. Conceptual metaphors in the daily show with Jon Stewart. Hermes. 2021. Vol. 10, no. 3, pp.37-59.

Data Type

Journal Articles





Record ID
