Automated setting up exhibition halls based on digital methods


al-Dali, Hamzah


Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers


Vol. 58, Issue 3 (31 Dec. 2019), pp.21-26, 6 p.


Egyptian Society of Engineers

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Architecture Engineering


Abstract EN

Setting up an exhibition hall with its exhibits, circulation, and entries, has infinite number of alternatives related to many constrains.

In order to arrange exhibits inside the hall, some external factors such as (Type of exhibits - Exhibition techniques - Visitor's behavior…etc.

) should be taken into consideration.

To achieve a set up close to the optimum a great effort will be done.

As a result of the paradigm shift occurred in computer applications that removes the burden of common software, new ideology in digital field shows revolutionary solutions to studying and comparing design permutations.

According to that the architectural design ideology for many types of buildings especially the museum has been developed rapidly.

In order to facilitate the set up of an exhibition hall's design, the designer could benefit from the computational methods to achieve an automated design stages.

This paper proposes a new digital method with an application for exhibit's arrangement in museum's halls, related to preadjusted rules for the set up of hall

American Psychological Association (APA)

al-Dali, Hamzah. 2019. Automated setting up exhibition halls based on digital methods. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers،Vol. 58, no. 3, pp.21-26.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

al-Dali, Hamzah. Automated setting up exhibition halls based on digital methods. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers Vol. 58, no. 3 (2019), pp.21-26.

American Medical Association (AMA)

al-Dali, Hamzah. Automated setting up exhibition halls based on digital methods. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers. 2019. Vol. 58, no. 3, pp.21-26.

Data Type

Journal Articles





Record ID
