Comparing the structural system of some contemporary high rise building form
Other Title(s)
مقارنة بين أنظمة الإنشاء المختلفة لبعض المباني المعاصرة عالية الارتفاع
Fayoum University Journal of Engineering
Vol. 1, Issue 2 (31 Dec. 2018), pp.91-109, 19 p.
Fayoum University Faculty of Engineering
Publication Date
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Main Subjects
Abstract AR
على مر التاريخ، بنى البشر مبانى ضخمة مثل المعابد و الأه ا رم و الكاتد ا رئيات لتكريم آلهتهم.
التى تقابلها اليوم ناطحات السحاب فهى عبارة عن مبان ضخمة، وهي مبنية كرموز للسلطة و الثروة و المكانة.
ظهرت هذه المباني كاستجابة لسكان الحضر الذين يت ا زيدون بسرعة.
لجأ المعماريون للتمدد ال أ رسى و بناء المبانى شاهقة الارتفاع بسبب الت ا زيد المستمر
في الحضر و تقلص الا ا رضى التى ادت الى ارتفاع تكلفتها.
و هو سبب زيادة ارتفاع المبانى
Abstract EN
Throughout history, human beings have built tall monumental structures such as temples, pyramids and cathedrals to honour their gods.
Today's skyscrapers are monumental buildings too, and are built as symbols of power, wealth and prestige.
These buildings emerged as a response to the rapidly growing urban population.
Architects' creative approaches in their designs for tall buildings, the shortage and high cost of urban land, the desire to prevent disorderly urban expansion, have driven the increase in the height of buildings.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Abd al-Tawwab, Aya al-Sayyid. 2018. Comparing the structural system of some contemporary high rise building form. Fayoum University Journal of Engineering،Vol. 1, no. 2, pp.91-109.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Abd al-Tawwab, Aya al-Sayyid. Comparing the structural system of some contemporary high rise building form. Fayoum University Journal of Engineering Vol. 1, no. 2 (2018), pp.91-109.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Abd al-Tawwab, Aya al-Sayyid. Comparing the structural system of some contemporary high rise building form. Fayoum University Journal of Engineering. 2018. Vol. 1, no. 2, pp.91-109.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Record ID