Combining ability and heterosis for yield and quality traits in pea (pisum sativum l. )
Other Title(s)
القدرة علي التآلف وقوة الهجين لصفات المحصول والجودة في البدلة
Joint Authors
Bardisi, Samar Abd Allah
Zyadah, Hani Jamal
Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Vol. 3, Issue 2 (31 Dec. 2021), pp.78-86, 9 p.
Beni-Sweif University Faculty of Agriculture
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Economics & Business Administration
Abstract EN
Increase pea yield and quality traits are essential goalsin any breeding program.
This study was carried out during three winter growing seasons of 2018/ 2019, 2019/ 2020, and 2020/ 2021 on pea using diallel mating design (4×4) without reciprocals at Fac.
, Zagazig Univ.
, Egypt.
Analysis of variance showed significant and highly significant mean squares for all the studied traits of genotypes, except the TSS trait, which had insignificant.
Parent Master B (P2) showed positive and significant general combining ability (GCA) effects for pod number/ plant, 100-seed weight, and yield/ plant and parent Entsar 2 (P4) for plant height, plant dry weight, pod length, pod diameter, and seed number/pod.
The pea cross Little Marvel (P3) × Entsar 2 (P4) had the highest values of mean and desirable effects of specific combining ability (SCA) for yield/ plant and pod number/ plant.
Additive gene action was controlled plant height, plant dry weight, pod length, pod diameter, seed number/pod, pod number/plant, TSS, and protein content, while non-additive controlled the rest characters.
Cross Cambados (P1) × Little Marvel (P3) exhibited positive and significant SCA effects for branch number, plant dry weight, pod length, seed number/pod, and TSS.
Positive and significant heterosis values were recorded in crosses P3 × P4 andP2 × P3 for yield/ plant and pod number/ plant.
Therefore, these genotypes could be used in the future program to improve pea yield.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Zyadah, Hani Jamal& Bardisi, Samar Abd Allah. 2021. Combining ability and heterosis for yield and quality traits in pea (pisum sativum l. ). Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences،Vol. 3, no. 2, pp.78-86.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Zyadah, Hani Jamal& Bardisi, Samar Abd Allah. Combining ability and heterosis for yield and quality traits in pea (pisum sativum l. ). Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 3, no. 2 (2021), pp.78-86.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Zyadah, Hani Jamal& Bardisi, Samar Abd Allah. Combining ability and heterosis for yield and quality traits in pea (pisum sativum l. ). Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2021. Vol. 3, no. 2, pp.78-86.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Record ID