The future of architectural education in Egypt : architecture pedagogy focuses on educational concepts and approaches
Joint Authors
Gharib, Muhammad Salah
Abu Shal, E. A.
Vol. 2021, Issue 171 (30 Sep. 2021), pp.47-58, 12 p.
Helwan University Faculty of Engineering Mataria
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Abstract EN
Architectural education in Egypt is not used the advanced methods yet e.
, digital studio, simulationmethods, and virtual reality technology.
Thus, this paper proposes a new method for updating the futureeducation of architecture to be more qualified and smarter for architectural students such as applying virtualreality technology (VR).
Furthermore, VR depends on various tools and systems such as, Computer AidedVirtual Environment (CAVE system) that presents the third dimension of space to be realized with all details.
The proposed method is shown to benefit the architectural students, whether at the level of study or in keepingpace with the labor market in the future.
In this track, virtual education can be applied specially in particulartheories and history of architecture.
Therefore, the architectural students can improve their sense of spaces, proportions, materials, textures, lighting, masses of buildings and all other needed functions.
Moreover, VRmodel of historical site is proposed in this paper as a case study by using the CAVE system to enrich thearchitectural education especially in the course of architecture history and at the local level in Egypt.
Therefore, architectural students can perceive all the design principles in 3D virtual environment (VE) as the perception ofdifferent spaces by immersing in virtual world.
This saves time and effort instead of visiting the real sites understudy besides saving the cost of travel and transitions.
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed solution, adetailed case study has been applied on Elselsla area, which is located in Alexandria governorate in Egypt.
Thisstudy area ia selected to be re-designed as a renovation of historical area with competency and outperformanceaccording to the architectural theories and design principles.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Abu Shal, E. A.& Gharib, Muhammad Salah. 2021. The future of architectural education in Egypt : architecture pedagogy focuses on educational concepts and approaches. Engineering Research Journal،Vol. 2021, no. 171, pp.47-58.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Abu Shal, E. A.& Gharib, Muhammad Salah. The future of architectural education in Egypt : architecture pedagogy focuses on educational concepts and approaches. Engineering Research Journal No. 171 (2021), pp.47-58.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Abu Shal, E. A.& Gharib, Muhammad Salah. The future of architectural education in Egypt : architecture pedagogy focuses on educational concepts and approaches. Engineering Research Journal. 2021. Vol. 2021, no. 171, pp.47-58.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Record ID