أنماط القيادة السائدة لدى مديري المدارس المتوسطة بمحافظة الفروانية بدولة الكويت و علاقتها بمستوى السلوك الأخلاقي من وجهة نظر المعلمين

Other Title(s)

Middel school principals leadership styles and its relationship with moral behavior at Farwaniya governorate in Kuwait from teacher view point


الديحاني، عامر رجا عامر مطلق مسعود عويجان

Thesis advisor

الخليفات، عبد الفتاح صالح موسى


Mutah University


Faculty of Educational Sciences


Department of Educational Foundation and Administration (EFA)

University Country




Degree Date


English Abstract

The study aimed to identify Middel School Principals Leadership styles and its Relationship with Moral Behavior at Farwaniya Governorate in Kuwait from Teacher view point.

The sample of the study consisted of ( 500 ) male and female teachers chosen in a cluster randomized manner.

In this study, the relational descriptive approach was used, through the development of a tool consisting of two parts : the first part dealt with leadership patterns and is composed of ( 27 ) paragraphs distributed in three areas ( democratic style, Authoritarian style, free style ), and the second part dealt with the level of moral behavior consisting of ( 24 ) paragraphs distributed in three areas ( wisdom, love of knowledge and courage, humanity and justice, moderation and self-control, transcendence and spirituality ), and its sincerity and consistency were confirmed.

The study found that the middle school principals leadership styles came as follows : the free style, the authoritarian style came with a high degree, and the democratic style came with a medium degree, and there were statistically significant differences for the study sample responses to the leadership styles due to the gender variable in all domaines except for the free style, the differences came in favor of females, and there were no statistically significant differences for the responses of the study sample on the domaines of leadership styles due to the variable of the scientific qualification, and there were statistically significant differences for the responses of the study sample due to the variable of years of experience Differences in favor of those with experience of 5-less than 10 years, 10 years or more, and also concluded that the level of ethical behavior among middle school principals came at an intermediate level, and the order of areas ( wisdom, love of knowledge and courage, moderation, self-control, transcendence, spirituality, humanity and justice ) came, And there were statistically significant differences for the responses of the study sample individuals towards the level of moral behavior among middle school principals due to the gender variable in all domaines except for the domaine of humanity and justice, and the differences came in favor of females, and the variable of the educational qualification in all domaines except the field of humanity and justice and the Galleries in favor of the bachelor's degree campaign, and variable years of experience, and came differences in favor of those who experience more than 10 years, and the presence of positive correlation statistically significant correlation between the areas of leadership patterns and areas of ethical behavior.

The study recommended holding training courses for school administrators on modern administrative theories related to leadership patterns for school principals in order to inform them about educational patterns, and provide them with the skills necessary to practice them.

Main Subjects

Educational Sciences

No. of Pages


Table of Contents

فهرس المحتويات / الموضوعات.

الملخص / المستخلص.

المستخلص باللغة الإنجليزية.

الفصل الأول : خلفية الدراسة و أهميتها.

الفصل الثاني : الإطار النظري و الدراسات السابقة.

الفصل الثالث : المنهجية و التصميم.

الفصل الرابع : عرض النتائج و مناقشتها و التوصيات.

قائمة المراجع.

American Psychological Association (APA)

الديحاني، عامر رجا عامر مطلق مسعود عويجان. (2019). أنماط القيادة السائدة لدى مديري المدارس المتوسطة بمحافظة الفروانية بدولة الكويت و علاقتها بمستوى السلوك الأخلاقي من وجهة نظر المعلمين. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة مؤتة, الأردن

Modern Language Association (MLA)

الديحاني، عامر رجا عامر مطلق مسعود عويجان. أنماط القيادة السائدة لدى مديري المدارس المتوسطة بمحافظة الفروانية بدولة الكويت و علاقتها بمستوى السلوك الأخلاقي من وجهة نظر المعلمين. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة مؤتة. (2019).

American Medical Association (AMA)

الديحاني، عامر رجا عامر مطلق مسعود عويجان. (2019). أنماط القيادة السائدة لدى مديري المدارس المتوسطة بمحافظة الفروانية بدولة الكويت و علاقتها بمستوى السلوك الأخلاقي من وجهة نظر المعلمين. (أطروحة ماجستير). جامعة مؤتة, الأردن



Data Type

Arab Theses

Record ID
