Influence of foliar spraying with alfalfa plant extracts, soybean seed extracts and active dry yeast solution on vegtative growth and some biologically active components in echinacea purpurea plants
Other Title(s)
تأثير الرش بالمستخلص المائي لنبات البرسيم الحجازي و بذور فول الصويا و محلول الخميرة على النمو و بعض المركبات النشطة بيولوجيا في نبات إشينسيا بوربوريا
Joint Authors
Mahmud, Nadiyah Abd al-Sami
Sidqi, Mahasin Muhammad Abd al-Ghani
al-Najjar, Hamdi Ali Atiyyah
Id, Salwa Ahmad
Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences
Vol. 4, Issue 1 (31 Mar. 2009), pp.1111-1132, 22 p.
Agricultural Chemistry and Environment Protection Society
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Abstract AR
أجريت هذه الدراسة لمعرفة تأثير الرش ببعض المستخلصات المائية لنبات البرسيم الحجازي و بذور فول الصويا و محلول الخميرة على النمو و بعض المكونات الفعالة في نبات الاشينسيا.
أظهرت النتائج زيادة الوزن الجاف للمجموع الخضري و الجذري بزيادة تركيز المستخلصات كما زاد محتوى المجموع الخضري و الجذري للأشينسيا من النيتروجين و الفسفور و البوتاسيوم بزيادة تركيز جميع المعاملات المستخدمة.
محتوى المجموع الخضري و الجذور من الفينولات زاد تدريجيا بزيادة التركيز للمعاملات المختلفة.
أظهر التحليل باستخدام جهاز GLC وجود 13 مكونا بالزيت الطيار للأزهار Germacrene-D كان المكون الرئيسي 23.09 % تأثر عامة بالمعاملات المستخدمة (البرسيم الحجازي-فول الصويا-محلول الخميرة) يليه B-Pinene (15.11 %) و يوجد أيضا methyl chavicol 7.217 % و α-Pinene 4.824 % بالإضافة إلى hexanol 3.494 و farnecene 2.089 % و B-Myrcene و Limonene و ocimene و Anethol و Allo-ocimene و P-cymene و tetra cadinene.
أظهر تحليل phenols و flavonoids على جهاز HPLC وجود 23 مركبا أمكن التعرف عليهم.
مستخلص البرسيم الحجازي أدى إلى زيادة تركيز rutin و catechin و caffeic و rosmarinic و vanillic و syringic و pyrogallol و epicatechin بالمقارنة بالكنترول.
مستخلص فول الصويا 70 كجم / فدان أدى إلى زيادة rutin 38.1 % بينما مستخلص الخميرة اعطى rutin 30.362 % و عمل على زيادة تركيز flavone-3OH و pyrogallol و vanillic و epicatechin و gallic acid و مستخلص الخميرة 2 % أدى إلى زيادة querectin و caffeic و catechol و chrysin و catechin.
Abstract EN
The present study was conducted to evaluate the influence of foliar spraying with some aqueous plant extracts (alfalfa plant, soybean seeds) and active dry yeast solution on vegetative growth and some biologically active components in Echinaceapurpure plant.
There were gradual and noticeable increases in herb and root dry weight / plant of Echinacea pursuer with increasing concentration of all tested foliar application.
Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium contents in herb and roots of Echinacea purported increased gradually with increasing the levels of various studied foliar application.
The foliar application using alfalfa plants and soybean seeds extract and active yeast solution caused an increase in total phenol contents in Echinacea herb and roots, where this increase in total phenol was more pronounced with the increasing in concentration of all foliar application during the two tested seasons.
GLC analysis revealed the existence of 13 compounds in the essential oil of Echinacea flowers heads.
Germacrene-D was the major constituents (23.09 %) followed by p-Pinene (15.11 %), Methyl chavicol (7.217 %).
and a-pinene (4.824 %) in addition to hexanol (3.494 %) and Farnecene (2.089 %).
Also p-Myrcene, limonene, ocimene, anethol, allo-ocimene, p-Cymene and tetra cadinene were existing in small amounts.
Generally major constituents of the essential oil influenced by the concentration of the foliar application treatmem (alfalfa plant extract, soybean seeds extract and active yeast solution ; HPLC analysis revealed the presence of 23 components (phenols and flavonoids).
Alfalfa extracts increased rutin, rosmarinic, caffeic, benzoic, catechin, vanillic, syringic, pyrogallol and epicatechin in comparison to control.
Soybean seeds extract (70 kg / fed.) increased the main component rutin to (38.1 %) whereas active dry yeast solution 4 % gave (30.362 %) rutin and increased, flavone-3-OH, pyrogallol ,vanillic, epicatechin and gallic acid .Also 2 % active dry yeast solution increased querectin, caffeic, catechol, chrysin and catechin.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Mahmud, Nadiyah Abd al-Sami& Sidqi, Mahasin Muhammad Abd al-Ghani& al-Najjar, Hamdi Ali Atiyyah& Id, Salwa Ahmad. 2009. Influence of foliar spraying with alfalfa plant extracts, soybean seed extracts and active dry yeast solution on vegtative growth and some biologically active components in echinacea purpurea plants. Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences،Vol. 4, no. 1, pp.1111-1132.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Sidqi, Mahasin Muhammad Abd al-Ghani…[et al.]. Influence of foliar spraying with alfalfa plant extracts, soybean seed extracts and active dry yeast solution on vegtative growth and some biologically active components in echinacea purpurea plants. Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences Vol. 4, no. 1 (Mar. 2009), pp.1111-1132.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Mahmud, Nadiyah Abd al-Sami& Sidqi, Mahasin Muhammad Abd al-Ghani& al-Najjar, Hamdi Ali Atiyyah& Id, Salwa Ahmad. Influence of foliar spraying with alfalfa plant extracts, soybean seed extracts and active dry yeast solution on vegtative growth and some biologically active components in echinacea purpurea plants. Journal of Biological Chemistry and Environmental Sciences. 2009. Vol. 4, no. 1, pp.1111-1132.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Text in English ; abstracts in English and Arabic
Record ID