Determination of mercury in aquatic plants, waters and sediments of the southern marshes of Iraq (Ai-Amarah and al-Basrah)‎ and Shatt al-Arab river by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry

Joint Authors

Abd al-Sahib, Hasan Thamir
Awad, N. A. N.


Marsh Bulletin


Vol. 2, Issue 2 (31 Dec. 2007), pp.137-146, 10 p.


University of Basrah College of Science

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects



Abstract AR

تم في البحث الحالي استخدام تقنية الامتصاص الذري–التذرية لتقدير مستويات عنصر الزئبق في مواقع مختلفة من أهوار العمارة و البصرة و نهر شط العرب.

تم تحليل ثلاثة عشر صنفا من النباتات المائية و نماذج المياه و الرواسب.

النتائج المحصلة أشارت إلى أن أعلى مستويات للزئبق وجدت في النباتات المائية و لجميع الأصناف المدروسة.

كذلك فإن أوطأ تراكيز للزئبق وجدت في رواسب الأهوار مقارنة مع نهر شط العرب.

مقارنة النتائج كدالة لمواقع النماذج يعكس تأثير التلوث الصناعي على البيئة المائسة لنهر شط العرب و الإزالة غير المكتملة للزئبق في محطات الصرف.

Abstract EN

A cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry was used for the determination of mercury levels in different sites of Al-Amarah , Al-Basrah marshes and Shatt Al-Arab river.

Thirteen species of aquatic plants, water and sediments samples were analyzed.

The obtained results showed that the highest levels of mercury were found in aquatic plants of all tested species.

A considerably lower concentrations of mercury were found in marshes sediments compared with rivers.

A comparison of observed sampling sites provides the adverse effect of industrial contamination on the water ecosystem of Shatt Al-Arab river and incomplete removal of mercury in a sewage station.

American Psychological Association (APA)

Awad, N. A. N.& Abd al-Sahib, Hasan Thamir. 2007. Determination of mercury in aquatic plants, waters and sediments of the southern marshes of Iraq (Ai-Amarah and al-Basrah) and Shatt al-Arab river by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Marsh Bulletin،Vol. 2, no. 2, pp.137-146.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Awad, N. A. N.& Abd al-Sahib, Hasan Thamir. Determination of mercury in aquatic plants, waters and sediments of the southern marshes of Iraq (Ai-Amarah and al-Basrah) and Shatt al-Arab river by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Marsh Bulletin Vol. 2, no. 2 (Dec. 2007), pp.137-146.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Awad, N. A. N.& Abd al-Sahib, Hasan Thamir. Determination of mercury in aquatic plants, waters and sediments of the southern marshes of Iraq (Ai-Amarah and al-Basrah) and Shatt al-Arab river by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Marsh Bulletin. 2007. Vol. 2, no. 2, pp.137-146.

Data Type

Journal Articles




Includes bibliographical references : p. 144-145

Record ID
