Effects of dietary levels of methionine and lysine on performance of growing japanese quail
Other Title(s)
تأثير التغذية بمستويات مختلفة من الميثيونين و الليسين على الأداء الإنتاجي للسمات الياباني
Joint Authors
Ali, Mahmud Muhammad Muhammad
Umar, Ismat Muhammad
Abd al-Qadir, Ibrahim A.
Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development
Vol. 20, Issue 1 (31 Jan. 2006), pp.218-228, 11 p.
Fayoum University Faculty of Agriculture
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Abstract AR
تم تصميم هذه التجربة بهدف دراسة تأثير مستويات مختلفة من الميثيونين والليسين على الأداء الإنتاجي للسمان الياباني.
استخدم في هذا البحث 270 كتكوت من السمان الياباني غير المجنس عمر يوم و عند عمر عشرة أيام وزنت فرديا و رقمت في الجناح و وزعت عشوائيا في نهاية اليوم العاشر على المعاملات التجريبية و كان من أهم النتائج المتحصل عليها ما يلي : لم يلاحظ أي تأثير معنوي لزيادة الحمضين الأمينيين على نمو السمان الياباني و تعتبر العليقة الثانية (0.42 % ميثيونين، 1.12 % ليسين) كافيه لإعطاء قياسات مرضية من الوزن الحي، معدل النمو، الدليل الإنتاجي، و المأكول من العلف كذلك لا يوجد تأثير معنوي لزيادة الميثيونين و الليسين على كل من التحويل الغذائي و كفاءة تحويل بروتين و طاقة الغذاء المأكول و تعتبر العليقة الثانية (0.42 % ميثيونين، 1.12 % ليسين) كافية لإعطاء أعلى معدل للتحويل الغذائي و معدل تحويل بروتين و طاقة الغذاء المأكول للسمان الياباني.
و من وجهة النظر الاقتصادية يمكن التوصية بأن العليقة المحتوية على 0.42 % ميثيونين و 1.12 % ليسين هي أفضل عليقة لتغذية السمان الياباني خلال 10_38 يوم من العمر.
Abstract EN
The experimental work was designed to study the effects of supplemental methionine (Met) and lysine (Lys) on performance of growing Japanese quail.
Two hundred and seventy, 1day-old unsexed birds were allotted to 5 treatments and were fed the experimental diets.
The composition of the experimental diets was as follows : 1.
D1, corn-soybean meal diet with an animal protein source containing methionine and lysine levels as recommended by NRC, 1994.
D2, corn-soybean meal diet without any source of animal protein or supplemental methionine and lysine.
The diet has a deficiency of methionine and lysine and considered as the negative control.
D3 is the same composition of D2 and supplemented with methionine and lysine as recommended by NRC, and considered as the control.
D4 is the same composition of D3 with supplemental methionine and lysine to the level of 120 % of NRC, recommendations.
D5 is the same composition of D3 with supplemental methionine and lysine to the level of 140 % of NRC, recommendations.
The results obtained indicated that there were insignificant effects of increasing dietary Met and Lys levels on Japanese quail growth performance.
The diet containing no more than 1.12 % Lys and 0.42 % Met (D2) was enough for satisfactory live body weight (LBW), growth rate (GR), performance index (PI) and feed intake (FI).
With respect of the whole period, there were insignificant effects of increasing dietary Met and Lys levels on Japanese quail feed conversion (FC), crude protein conversion (CPC), and caloric conversion ratio (CCR), also the dietary 1.12 % Lys and 0.42 % Met levels were sufficient to obtain the optimum values of FC, CPC and CER for Japanese quail.
From the economical point of view, it can be recommended that the diet containing no more than 1.12 % Lys and 0.42 % Met levels were the best diet for feeding the growing Japanese quail.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Ali, Mahmud Muhammad Muhammad& Abd al-Qadir, Ibrahim A.& Umar, Ismat Muhammad. 2006. Effects of dietary levels of methionine and lysine on performance of growing japanese quail. Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development،Vol. 20, no. 1, pp.218-228.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Ali, Mahmud Muhammad Muhammad…[et al.]. Effects of dietary levels of methionine and lysine on performance of growing japanese quail. Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development Vol. 20, no. 1 (Jan. 2006), pp.218-228.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Ali, Mahmud Muhammad Muhammad& Abd al-Qadir, Ibrahim A.& Umar, Ismat Muhammad. Effects of dietary levels of methionine and lysine on performance of growing japanese quail. Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development. 2006. Vol. 20, no. 1, pp.218-228.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Includes bibliographical references : p. 227
Record ID