Cell wall content and fermentation parameters of two common grass species at three growth stages from pasture of western region of Iran

Joint Authors

Kafilzadah, F.
Khamisabadi, H.
Maliki, E.
Gheitury, M.


مجلة الفرات للعلوم الزراعية


University of Babylon College of Agriculture (Previously) / Al-Qasim Green University College of Agriculture (Currently)

Publication Date


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No. of Pages


Main Subjects



English Abstract

The type of plant species present in any range depends on their adaptation for survival.

The effect of different growth stages on cell wall content and kinetics of fermentation from Festuca ovina and Aegilops spp (as the main annual grass) was determined.

With increasing growth stage, NDF and ADF increased and potential gas production (A) in both grasses (p < 0.05) but only the rate of fermentation (c) of Aegilops spp at three stages of growth was significantly different (p < 0.05).

It was concluded that although advance in stage of maturity was associated with an increase in cell wall content and a decrease in total gas production but change in the rate at which the gas was produced with maturity was different in the two grasses.

Data Type

Conference Papers

Record ID


American Psychological Association (APA)

Maliki, E.& Kafilzadah, F.& Khamisabadi, H.& Gheitury, M.. 2011-12-31. Cell wall content and fermentation parameters of two common grass species at three growth stages from pasture of western region of Iran. International Iran and Iraq Conference on Agriculture and Natural Resources (1st : 2011 : Babylon, Iraq). . Vol. 3 (2011), pp.221-225.بابل، العراق : جامعة بابل، كلية الزراعة (سابقا) / جامعة القاسم الخضراء، كلية الزراعة (حاليا)،.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Maliki, E.…[et al.]. Cell wall content and fermentation parameters of two common grass species at three growth stages from pasture of western region of Iran. . بابل، العراق : جامعة بابل، كلية الزراعة (سابقا) / جامعة القاسم الخضراء، كلية الزراعة (حاليا)،. 2011-12-31.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Maliki, E.& Kafilzadah, F.& Khamisabadi, H.& Gheitury, M.. Cell wall content and fermentation parameters of two common grass species at three growth stages from pasture of western region of Iran. . International Iran and Iraq Conference on Agriculture and Natural Resources (1st : 2011 : Babylon, Iraq).