Occurrence of hemipteran species on alfalfa plant in Baghdad
Other Title(s)
تواجد أنواع نصفية الأجنحة على نبات الجت في محافظة بغداد
Joint Authors
Abd al-Rasul, Muhammad Salih
al-Zubaydi, Razzaq Shalan Ukl Husayn
Muzhir, Nisrin Nuri
Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum
Vol. 12, Issue 2 (30 Jun. 2012), pp.7-13, 7 p.
University of Baghdad Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Abstract AR
أجري مسح لأنواع رتبة نصفية الأجنحة (Order: Hemiptera) المتواجدة في حقول الجت لمنطقة أبي غريب, بغداد خلال الأشهر نيسان و مايس و تشرين الأول لسنة 2010 و قد سجل خلال الدراسة ثمانية أنواع تعود إلى ثمانية أجناس تقع ستة عوائل كما سجل النوعان Campylomma diversicornis Reuter,1878 و Deraecoris sp.. بأعداد كبيرة, بينكا كان النوعان Lygaeus pandurus Scop.
و Pyrrhocorius Papterus( Linnaeus 1758) بأعداد قليلة جدا خلال فترة الدراسة.
Abstract EN
Hemipteran species of alfalfa plant surveyed in Abu Ghraib, Baghdad during the months of April, May and October of 2010.
The study was registered, eight species belonging to eight genera and six families.
The results showed that Deracoris sp.
Kirschbaum,1855 and Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, 1878 the most abundant species while Lygaeus pandurus Scop.
and Pyrrhocorius apterus (Linnaeus 1758) were the lowest during the study period.
American Psychological Association (APA)
al-Zubaydi, Razzaq Shalan Ukl Husayn& Muzhir, Nisrin Nuri& Abd al-Rasul, Muhammad Salih. 2012. Occurrence of hemipteran species on alfalfa plant in Baghdad. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum،Vol. 12, no. 2, pp.7-13.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
al-Zubaydi, Razzaq Shalan Ukl Husayn…[et al.]. Occurrence of hemipteran species on alfalfa plant in Baghdad. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum Vol. 12, no. 2 (2012), pp.7-13.
American Medical Association (AMA)
al-Zubaydi, Razzaq Shalan Ukl Husayn& Muzhir, Nisrin Nuri& Abd al-Rasul, Muhammad Salih. Occurrence of hemipteran species on alfalfa plant in Baghdad. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum. 2012. Vol. 12, no. 2, pp.7-13.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Includes appendicx : p. 12
Record ID