Unconsolidated financial statements including independent auditors’ limited review report for the interim period ended March 31, 2012.

Other Title(s)

Al-Baraka Turk Bank (Ankara, Turkey)‎ : Unconsolidated financial statements including independent auditors’ limited review report for the interim period ended March 31, 2012


Annual Report al-Baraka Turk Bank (Istanbul, Turkey)


al-Baraka Turk Bank

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Economics & Business Administration
Financial and Accounting Sciences
Islamic Studies
Islamic Economics and Finance


Table of Contents

Table of contents.

  • History of the bank including its incorporation date, initial legal status and amendments to legal status.
  • Shareholding structure, shareholders having direct or indirect, joint or individual control over the management of the bank and disclosures on related changes in the current year, if any.
  • Explanation on the chairman and members of board of directors, members of audit committee, general manager and assistant general managers and their shares in the bank, if any.
  • Information on the bank’s qualified shareholders.
  • Summary on the bank’s service activities and field of operations.
  • Balance sheet (statement of financial position).
  • Statement of off-balance sheet contingencies and commitments (statement of financial position).
  • Statement of income.
  • Statement of income and expense accounted under shareholders’ equity.
  • Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity.
  • Statement of cash flow.
  • Explanations on basis of presentation.
  • Explanations on strategy of using financial instruments and foreign currency transactions.
  • Explanations on forward, option contracts and derivative instruments.
  • Explanations on profit share income and expenses.
  • Explanations on fees, commission income and expenses.
  • Explanations on financial assets.
  • Explanations on impairment of financial assets.
  • Explanations on offsetting of financial instruments.
  • Explanations on sale and repurchase agreements and lending of securities.
  • Explanations on assets held for sale and discontinued operations and liabilities related to these assets.
  • Explanations on goodwill and other intangible assets.
  • Explanations on tangible assets.
  • Explanations on leasing transactions.
  • Explanations on provisions and contingent liabilities.
  • Explanations on liabilities regarding employee benefits.
  • Explanations on taxation.
  • Additional explanations on borrowings.
  • Explanations on issued share certificates.
  • Explanations on acceptances and availed drafts.
  • Explanations on government grants.
  • Explanations on segment reporting.
  • Explanations on other matters.
  • Additional paragraph for convenience translation.
  • Explanations on the capital adequacy standard ratio.
  • Explanations on credit risk.
  • Explanations on market risk.
  • Explanations on operational risk.
  • Explanations on currency risk.
  • Explanations on liquidity risk.
  • Explanations on presentation of financial assets and liabilities at fair values.
  • Explanations regarding the activities carried out on behalf and account of other persons.
  • Explanations on business segments.
  • Explanations and notes related to assets.
  • Explanations and notes related to liabilities.
  • Explanations and notes related to off-balance sheet contingencies and commitments.
  • Explanations and notes related to the statement of income.
  • Explanations and notes related to the statements of changes in shareholders’ equity.
  • Explanations and notes related to cash flows statement.
  • Explanations related to the risk group of the bank.
  • Explanations related to domestic, foreign, off-shore branches or investments and foreign representative offices.
  • Explanations related to subsequent events.
  • Other issues that have significant effect on the balance sheet or that are ambiguous and / or open to interpretation and require clarification.
  • Explanations on the independent auditors’ report.
  • Other notes and explanations prepared by the independent auditors.

Data Type

Quarterly Reports

Record ID


American Psychological Association (APA)

al-Baraka Turk Bank (Istanbul, Turkey). 2012-12-31. Unconsolidated financial statements including independent auditors’ limited review report for the interim period ended March 31, 2012.. . Ankara Turkey : al-Baraka Turk Bank.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

al-Baraka Turk Bank (Istanbul, Turkey). Unconsolidated financial statements including independent auditors’ limited review report for the interim period ended March 31, 2012.. Ankara Turkey : al-Baraka Turk Bank. 2012-12-31.

American Medical Association (AMA)

al-Baraka Turk Bank (Istanbul, Turkey). 2012-12-31. Unconsolidated financial statements including independent auditors’ limited review report for the interim period ended March 31, 2012.. Ankara Turkey : al-Baraka Turk Bank.