Financing house purchase in the west : house purchase in Canada

Fatawa Question

I am in Canada, I have a rented house since, 5 years, and the rents are going up every day, we always have dispute with wife, regarding house, as I have performed Hajj, and I do not want to get interested, by which my life has come to stand still.. As I was in Saudi, and never saw interest as here, in Canada, so I wanted the answer, I checked with many people but no one is able to help out with a perfect answer, about mortgage, and how to get out of it, and I visited many web sites, but it is very, difficult to come to conclusions.. Why don't the Muslims scholars, in north America, say one things so that everyone knows what to do, instead, only they give, in a confusing directions, as I see there are many new people in Canada, and they are getting trapped, in the depth trap.. I would like to know why the.. Muslims scholars don't define the life, in the world more clearly, so that it will help people to know more, and. They get answer. How can the parents, answer the children ? Kindly email me about this.. Thank u Notes : since question : how to solve the problem of mortgagee, in North America. Give one answer, not many, and give answer which can keep things moving, and we solve the problems,


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Financial and Accounting Sciences
Islamic Studies


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American Psychological Association (APA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2001-12-05. Financing house purchase in the west : house purchase in Canada. .

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Qahf, Mundhir. Financing house purchase in the west : house purchase in Canada. 2001-12-05.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2001-12-05. Financing house purchase in the west : house purchase in Canada.