Multi-level marketing companies : network marketing

Fatawa Question

[Question One] Salam Mr. Monzer. I want to ask about network marketing Fatwa. I read a Fatwa that says it’s Halal, can you please let me know your feedback on this.. What I see that people don’t end up purchasing a Product, even if they do so, they just join the network because of the commission structure they are promised with. In other words, the Product itself is no buddy uses it, they all focus on having new customers join, and they don’t convince them of the product, they only convince them of the commission value they will get. I would say this is a very complicated issue that needs a deep understanding, please help me know if it’s Halal or Haram… Thanks [Question Two] Salam Dr Monzer, In case the product is permissible from religious point of view, but the target of the network marketing concept there is focused on commission structures where you get money from people who you don’t even know and you get paid a commission based on their sales activities, and the sales of their contacts as well, so in other words you will be getting commissions while sitting at home and other people are doing the sales activities on your behalf, and you get easy commission.. I guess this is not Halal stuff... Please correct me… I am speaking about a company called they are selling cosmetics and they offer commission based on network marketing. please review this presentation and let me know if this is Halal or Haram. Your kind attention is really needed… [Question three] Salam Dr Monzer. Just for you to know there is a Fatwa under your name that network marketing is Halal, I suggest you add more description why you believe in the case described its Halal and why in other cases it’s not Halal. Jazaka Allah Khair... Faisal


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Islamic Studies


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American Psychological Association (APA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2009-09-10. Multi-level marketing companies : network marketing. .

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Qahf, Mundhir. Multi-level marketing companies : network marketing. 2009-09-10.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2009-09-10. Multi-level marketing companies : network marketing.