What to do with earned interest : giving away interest money

Fatawa Question

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Firstly, I wish to commend you and all in your organisation for doing a wonderful job for highlighting and educating people in Islam. May Allah (SWT) reward all of you in this World and the hereafter. My question is on usury (Riba). Allah (SWT) has said in the Holy Quran that usury is totally Haraam, and that anyone who defies this is in direct defiance to Allah. I have read and heard many Ulema's advising people to give away interest money earned in conventional banks to charities, etc. without any intention of reward. Is that not already defying Allah (SWT) ? Also, if interest is Haraam to consume, how can one give He's poison to someone else ?? I have also read an article whereby a Ulema argues that if the interest is money is left with the banks, it will strengthen the Banks, Kufars, etc. Does Allah (SWT) need your help to take that money to another place ? Is that not defying Allah (SWT) ? Should it not just be left alone for Allah (SWT) to decide the future of it or the financial institution ? Jazaak Allah and May Allah (SWT) reward you.


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Economics & Business Administration
Islamic Studies

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American Psychological Association (APA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2007-04-23. What to do with earned interest : giving away interest money. .

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Qahf, Mundhir. What to do with earned interest : giving away interest money. 2007-04-23.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Qahf, Mundhir. 2007-04-23. What to do with earned interest : giving away interest money.