The effect of wet cupping on the explosive power of volleyball players

Other Title(s)

L'influence de HIDJEMA sur la force explosive chez les joueurs de volley-ball
تأثير الحجامة الرطبة على القوة الانفجارية للاعبي الكرة الطائرة


Wali, Abd al-Nur


Elibdaa el-Riadhi


Vol. 9, Issue 1 (30 Jun. 2018), pp.240-249, 10 p.


Université Mohamed Boudiaf-M'sila Ilnstitutc of Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Educational Sciences
Sports sciences and physical education


Abstract EN

Nowadays, the world witnesses rapid development in various sports; the sports achievements and the high level of sports in general did not come over night, but it has been the result of well planning for sports training, which was based mainly on research, expertise and scientific experiments.

Despite the scientific and technical progress of modern therapeutic and medical methods, the methods of folk medicine, including wet cupping, are still practiced in many societies to the present time, either for their therapeutic efficiency in dealing with many cases of illness or prevention of infection.

Besides, the use of wet cupping by champions in the Rio Olympics competition raised a wave of questions about the benefits of alternative medicine methods, which is adopted by the most powerful athletes in the world (Michael Phillips, Alex Nadour).

Sports cupping is a legal regulation of the applications of cupping with athletes in several areas such as first aid, rehabilitation and quick recovery and energy.

The most common cupping types used in sport are: bloody cupping (wet), dry cupping, and rub-down cupping.

The objective of the research is to uncover the effect of wet cupping on the explosive power of the arms and legs of the volleyball senior players.

In the light of the results and their discussion, the researcher concludes that the tests are far superior in the post-test results of explosive power of the arms and legs in the study sample.

Abstract FRE

À l'heure actuelle, Le développement sportif dans les résultats ainsi que le niveau est la conséquence d'une planification élevé de l'entrainement sportif basé sur des recherches, des essais et des expériences.

Le progrès scientifique des moyens thérapeutique n'a pas remis en cause les méthodes traditionnelles à savoir HIDJAMA pour des raisons d'efficacité et de prévention.

Dans Les derniers jeux olympiques à "rio" beaucoup de questions ont été posés relatives aux bénéfique de l'utilisation de HIDJAMA par des athlètes comme le nageur américain " MICHAEL PHELPS".

Les sportifs profitent de HIDJEMA pour plusieurs raisons mentionnant: la rééducation, les premiers soins et la récupération, l'objectif de cette recherche est de détecter l'effet de HIDJEMA dans la force explosive des bras et des jambes pour les joueurs de volley-ball.

On a observée l'amélioration de ses résultats pour le groupe qui a pratiqué HIDJEMA.

American Psychological Association (APA)

Wali, Abd al-Nur. 2018. The effect of wet cupping on the explosive power of volleyball players. Elibdaa el-Riadhi،Vol. 9, no. 1, pp.240-249.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Wali, Abd al-Nur. The effect of wet cupping on the explosive power of volleyball players. Elibdaa el-Riadhi Vol. 9, no. 1 (Jun. 2018), pp.240-249.

American Medical Association (AMA)

Wali, Abd al-Nur. The effect of wet cupping on the explosive power of volleyball players. Elibdaa el-Riadhi. 2018. Vol. 9, no. 1, pp.240-249.

Data Type

Journal Articles




Includes bibliographical references : p. 249

Record ID
