Effect of humic and fulvic acids, em and amino acids on berries colouration, yield and quality of flame seedless grapes
Other Title(s)
تأثير حامض الهيوميك و الفولفيك و الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة و الأحماض الأمينية علي تلوين الحبات و كمية المحصول و خصائص الجودة في حبات العنب الفليم سيدلس
Joint Authors
Hasan, Faysal Fadil Ahmad
Abd al-Al, Ahmad Hasan Mahmud
al-Misri, Salah al-Din Muhammad Ali
Ahmad, Ahmad Husayn Rikabi
Assuit Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Vol. 48, Issue 2 (30 Apr. 2017), pp.88-103, 16 p.
Assiut University Faculty of Agriculture
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Abstract EN
This study was carried out during 2015 and 2016 seasons to examine the effect of humic and fulvic acids and EM each at 25 ml/vine/year as well as spraying amino acids at 0.1% three times as partial alternatives to inorganic N on berries colouration, yield and quality of Flame seedless grapes grown under Luxor conditions.
Replacement of 25% of inorganic N partially by using humic or fulvic acid and EM each at 25 ml/vine/year and application of amino acids at 0.1% was very effective in enhancing growth aspects, vine nutritional status, berries colouration, yield and quality of the berries relative to the application of N as 100% inorganic.
The best replacement was EM, fulvic acid and humic acid, in descending order.
A remarkable promotion on the investigated characteristics was observed with using amino acids in combined with humic or fulvic acids and EM.
Treating Flame seedless grapevines with N through 75% inorganic N plus fulvic acid and EM each at 25 ml/vine/year plus spraying the vines three times with amino acides at 0.1% gave the best results with regard to berries colour
American Psychological Association (APA)
Hasan, Faysal Fadil Ahmad& Abd al-Al, Ahmad Hasan Mahmud& al-Misri, Salah al-Din Muhammad Ali& Ahmad, Ahmad Husayn Rikabi. 2017. Effect of humic and fulvic acids, em and amino acids on berries colouration, yield and quality of flame seedless grapes. Assuit Journal of Agricultural Sciences،Vol. 48, no. 2, pp.88-103.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Hasan, Faysal Fadil Ahmad…[et al.]. Effect of humic and fulvic acids, em and amino acids on berries colouration, yield and quality of flame seedless grapes. Assuit Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 48, no. 2 (2017), pp.88-103.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Hasan, Faysal Fadil Ahmad& Abd al-Al, Ahmad Hasan Mahmud& al-Misri, Salah al-Din Muhammad Ali& Ahmad, Ahmad Husayn Rikabi. Effect of humic and fulvic acids, em and amino acids on berries colouration, yield and quality of flame seedless grapes. Assuit Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2017. Vol. 48, no. 2, pp.88-103.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Record ID