Mixed market structure, competition and market size : how does product mix respond ?


Ulaywah, Aya


Economic Research Forum : Working Paper Series


Vol. 2018, Issue 1172-1274 (31 Dec. 2018)32 p.


Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries Iran and Turkey

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Economy and Commerce


Abstract EN

Assuming a double heterogeneity; within industry firm heterogeneity and within firm product heterogeneity, this paper investigates how multiproduct firms respond to tougher competition and greater market size across destinations.

Building a theoretical model where monopolistically competitive and oligopolistic firms coexist in the same market, the paper studies how an increase in market size affects both types of firms’ behavior.

The model shows that the final impact of bigger market size on the product-mix of multiproduct firms depends on the level of fixed entry costs.

For low level of entry costs, big firms increase their productmix when they export to larger markets as they benefit from scope economies.

Yet, when fixed costs are prohibitive, a larger market induces firms to skew their export sales toward their core product.

Very strong confirmation of this non-monotonic effect of market size was found for Egyptian exporters across export market destinations.

American Psychological Association (APA)

Ulaywah, Aya. 2018. Mixed market structure, competition and market size : how does product mix respond ?. Economic Research Forum : Working Paper Series،Vol. 2018, no. 1172-1274.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Ulaywah, Aya. Mixed market structure, competition and market size : how does product mix respond ?. Economic Research Forum : Working Paper Series No. 1172-1274 (Dec. 2018).

American Medical Association (AMA)

Ulaywah, Aya. Mixed market structure, competition and market size : how does product mix respond ?. Economic Research Forum : Working Paper Series. 2018. Vol. 2018, no. 1172-1274.

Data Type

Journal Articles




Includes appendices : p. 27-29

Record ID
