هل تعتقد أنه يجب على الولايات المتحدة و حلفائها من الغرب إرسال قوات برية للمساعدة في مواجهة تنظيم "داعش" في العراق و سوريه ؟


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استطلاع الرأي العام العربي حول التحالف الدولي ضد تنظيم "داعش"


This Poll has been executed by [Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (Qatar)] ; where data collected during the period from [09 October 2014] to [25 October 2014] using [Telephone Interview] ; Sample description [Representative sample for the Arab Region, Syrian refugees] ; Sample size [5100] ; the country in which the Poll has been executed [(Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine (West Bank), Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Palestine (Gaza Strip))].

Data Type

Poll Question
