Biological activities of Iraqi fig (Ficuscarica) crude ethanolic and total flavonoids extracts
العناوين الأخرى
الفعالية الحيوية لمستخلص الكحولي الخام و مستخلص الف لافونويدات الكلية لنبات التين العراقي
المؤلفون المشاركون
Hasan, Zaynab Yasin Muhammad
Abd al-Hamid, Bara Abd al-Hadi
Muhammad, Faruq Ibrahim
al-Halbusi, Muhammad Mahmud Farhan
المجلد 61، العدد 7 (31 يوليو/تموز 2020)، ص ص. 1612-1621، 10ص.
تاريخ النشر
دولة النشر
عدد الصفحات
التخصصات الرئيسية
الملخص EN
The present study focuses on the biological strategy for treating cancer and parasitic infections, such as leishmaniasis antiparasitic activity, forthe crude alcoholic extract ofFicus leaves and their extracted total flavonoids with a comparison between their effects.The flavonoids were extracted from the leaves of the mature Ficuscaricausing the reflux extraction method.
Total flavonoids were detected qualitatively by TLC techniquewhich demonstratedthat the plant was rich indifferent flavonoids, especially Rutin, Quercetin, Kaempferol, luteolin and others.
Quantitatively, the plant total flavonoids content was 337.3 mg / 100 g fig leaves calculated as rutin.The biologicaleffects of the crude and purified total flavonoid on cell lines (L-20B and MCF7) and two parasites (Leishmaniatropica ,Leishmaniadonvani) were investigated.
Maximum growthinhibition rates forthe total flavonoids onthe cell linesL20B andMCF7 reached 43 % at the concentration of 0.169 mg/ml and 28% at the concentration of 2.7 mg/ml, respectively, in comparison with the negative control.
The ethanoliccrude extract had a low effect on L20-B cell line, while the inhibition rate forMCF-7 cell linereached 34% at a concentration of 0.084 mg/ml.
For Leishmaniatropica,the total flavonoid and crude plant extractcaused maximum inhibition rates of 48% and 56%, respectively,at a concentration of 2.7 mg/ml for both.
Cytotoxicity valueon Leshmaniadonovani was 20% for the crude extract at 1.35 mg/ml concentration, whereas it was11% for the total flavonoids at a concentration of 0.169 mg/ml.
In conclusion, the differences in anticancer and anti-parasitic activitiesareattributed to differentcompounds present in each extract.
نمط استشهاد جمعية علماء النفس الأمريكية (APA)
al-Halbusi, Muhammad Mahmud Farhan& Hasan, Zaynab Yasin Muhammad& Muhammad, Faruq Ibrahim& Abd al-Hamid, Bara Abd al-Hadi. 2020. Biological activities of Iraqi fig (Ficuscarica) crude ethanolic and total flavonoids extracts. Iraqi Journal of Science،Vol. 61, no. 7, pp.1612-1621.
نمط استشهاد الجمعية الأمريكية للغات الحديثة (MLA)
Muhammad, Faruq Ibrahim…[et al.]. Biological activities of Iraqi fig (Ficuscarica) crude ethanolic and total flavonoids extracts. Iraqi Journal of Science Vol. 61, no. 7 (2020), pp.1612-1621.
نمط استشهاد الجمعية الطبية الأمريكية (AMA)
al-Halbusi, Muhammad Mahmud Farhan& Hasan, Zaynab Yasin Muhammad& Muhammad, Faruq Ibrahim& Abd al-Hamid, Bara Abd al-Hadi. Biological activities of Iraqi fig (Ficuscarica) crude ethanolic and total flavonoids extracts. Iraqi Journal of Science. 2020. Vol. 61, no. 7, pp.1612-1621.
نوع البيانات
لغة النص
Text in English ; abstracts in English and Arabic.
رقم السجل
قاعدة معامل التأثير والاستشهادات المرجعية العربي "ارسيف Arcif"
أضخم قاعدة بيانات عربية للاستشهادات المرجعية للمجلات العلمية المحكمة الصادرة في العالم العربي
تقوم هذه الخدمة بالتحقق من التشابه أو الانتحال في الأبحاث والمقالات العلمية والأطروحات الجامعية والكتب والأبحاث باللغة العربية، وتحديد درجة التشابه أو أصالة الأعمال البحثية وحماية ملكيتها الفكرية. تعرف اكثر