Housewives' knowledges and practices of utilizing prickly pear peels and its use in fortifying some bakery products (cake and biscuits) : an applied study
Other Title(s)
معارف و ممارسات ربات الأسر نحو الاستفادة من قشور التين الشوكي و استخدام في تدعيم بعض منتجات المخابز(كيك و البسكويت) : دراسة تطبيقيه
Joint Authors
Abd al-Nur, Asteer Victor
Mahfuz, Marwah Zaki
Vol. 36, Issue 2 (31 Dec. 2020), pp.163-196, 34 p.
The Egyptian Home Economics Association
Publication Date
Country of Publication
No. of Pages
Main Subjects
Natural & Life Sciences (Multidisciplinary)
- Economic conditions
- Urban areas
- Activities
- Income
- Food products
- Bakery products
- Opuntia ficus-indica
- Dietary fiber
Abstract EN
This study aimed to identifying the housewives' knowledge and practices about prickly pear peels, their benefits, recycling and reusing in the fortification of some food products (cakes and biscuits).
The main study participants comprised 100 housewives.
The study utilized a questionnaire of the housewives' knowledge and practices about the prickly pears peels.
Prickly pear peels were added to cakes and biscuits at 5, 10 and 15% .
The results of the study revealeda decreased level of knowledge and practices of prickly pear peels among the study participants.
There was a correlation between the level of knowledge and practices of participants regarding prickly pears and their peels as well as with some social and economic characteristics (age group - educational status - monthly income).
A statistically significant difference was found between the study participants according to their age group in favor of those who are over 45 years old, in both knowledge and practices measures.
The results also yielded statistically significant differences in favor of participants with university degrees and high monthly income of more than 4000 pounds, as well as in favor of those who live in urban areas and who works in both aspects, i.
knowledge and practices.
In addition, the experimental study results revealed that the prickly pear peels contain moisture, protein, fats, ash, carbohydrates, calories and dietary fiber at rates with 7.50% , 4.45% , 3.54% , 8.20% , 76.31% and 35.88% , respectively.
The results also showed that the prickly pear peel is rich in total phenols, carotenoids and antioxidant activity.
The results revealed an improvement in the nutritional value of the products prepared from prickly pear peels.
The study recommended the necessity of increasing the knowledge and practices of housewives about the use of prickly pear peels by all available means.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Mahfuz, Marwah Zaki& Abd al-Nur, Asteer Victor. 2020. Housewives' knowledges and practices of utilizing prickly pear peels and its use in fortifying some bakery products (cake and biscuits) : an applied study. Home Economics Journal،Vol. 36, no. 2, pp.163-196.
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Mahfuz, Marwah Zaki& Abd al-Nur, Asteer Victor. Housewives' knowledges and practices of utilizing prickly pear peels and its use in fortifying some bakery products (cake and biscuits) : an applied study. Home Economics Journal Vol. 36, no. 2 (2020), pp.163-196.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Mahfuz, Marwah Zaki& Abd al-Nur, Asteer Victor. Housewives' knowledges and practices of utilizing prickly pear peels and its use in fortifying some bakery products (cake and biscuits) : an applied study. Home Economics Journal. 2020. Vol. 36, no. 2, pp.163-196.
Data Type
Journal Articles
Record ID