Physical activity and fitness levels for high school students in view of variables of sex and body mass index : a study in some high schools of Setif

Other Title(s)

مستويات النشاط البدني و اللياقة البدنية لطالب المرحلة الثانوية في ضوء متغيرات الجنس و مؤشر كتلة الجسم

Joint Authors

Hashaishi, Abd al-Wahab
Chelroum, Abd al-Rahman


Revue Algérienne des Sciences Sociales et Humaines


Vol. 9, Issue 1 (30 Jun. 2021)22 p.


University of Algiers 3

Publication Date


Country of Publication


No. of Pages


Main Subjects

Educational Sciences
Sports sciences and physical education


Abstract AR

هدفت الدراسة للتعرف على مستوى النشاط البدني و اللياقة لتلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية في ضوء متغيري الجنس و مؤشر الكتلة الجسمية و اشتملت العينة المختارة عشوائيا على 389 تلميذا (238تلميذة و 151تلميذ) بعمر (15- 19سنة) من ثانويات منطقة جنوب سطيف بمعدل 3أقسام تمثل المستويات الدراسية الثلاث.

و لجمع البيانات تم استخدام استبانة النشاط البدني لكوالاسكي و أخرون كما تم تطبيق بطرية اختبارات اللياقة لتحديد نشاط و لياقة التلاميذ.

وقد أسفرت النتائج على أن مستوى النشاط البدني عموما في المتوسط وأن الذكور أكثر نشاطا من الاناث بينما لم توجد فروق معنوية في مستوى النشاط حسب مؤشر الكتلة الجسمية لكل جنس.

و من ناحية أخرى كانت الفروق معنوية لصالح الذكور في كل عناصر اللياقة وأن اللياقة البدنية تتأثر بمؤشر الكتلة فكلما ارتفع الوزن عند الذكور زاد مستوى اللياقة في عنصر قوة الرمي وكلما انخفض الوزن عند الاناث زاد مستوى اللياقة في عنصري قوة القفز و الرشاقة.

Abstract EN

The study aimed to identify the level of physical activity (PA) and physical fitness (PF) in view of variables of sex (S) and body mass index (BMI) to a random sample of high school students in south region of Setif.

the sample included 389 pupils (238 females; 151 males) and aged (15-19 years).

To gather data about physical activity and fitness level, they had been applied the physical activity questionnaire for adolescents (PAQ-A), and a fitness test battery (FTB) to measure the level of (PF) components among high school students.

The results showed that the physical activity level of students was generally above average, and had an average level in most fitness components, also the study found a significant difference in the (PA) level among students by sex in favor of male students.

While, there were no significant differences in the (PA) level according to the (BMI) for each gender.

The results indicate that BMI categories did not depending to physical activity (PA) levels.

On the other hand, there were significant differences between female and male students in (PF) components, in favor of male students.

Also, BMI category influences the fitness levels of students; Weight gain is followed by an increase in the throwing force in adolescent males.

While, the low of weight is followed by an increase in the jumping force and agility in adolescent girls.

American Psychological Association (APA)

Hashaishi, Abd al-Wahab& Chelroum, Abd al-Rahman. 2021. Physical activity and fitness levels for high school students in view of variables of sex and body mass index : a study in some high schools of Setif. Revue Algérienne des Sciences Sociales et Humaines،Vol. 9, no. 1.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Hashaishi, Abd al-Wahab& Chelroum, Abd al-Rahman. Physical activity and fitness levels for high school students in view of variables of sex and body mass index : a study in some high schools of Setif. Revue Algérienne des Sciences Sociales et Humaines Vol. 9, no. 1 (2021).

American Medical Association (AMA)

Hashaishi, Abd al-Wahab& Chelroum, Abd al-Rahman. Physical activity and fitness levels for high school students in view of variables of sex and body mass index : a study in some high schools of Setif. Revue Algérienne des Sciences Sociales et Humaines. 2021. Vol. 9, no. 1.

Data Type

Journal Articles




Includes appendices.

Record ID
